Hello everyon I am new to the nexus but have been using substances since around the age of 14-15 starting with marijuana and and other substances, now being 18 I have had many good times and bad times when I was a freshman in high school I wanted to try LSD, mushrooms and a lot of other things and that was the year I heard of Dmt but I knew I wasn't ready so through the years I have done a lot of self research for my purposes to one day take that next step to further me knowledge, junior year I tried MDMA and mushrooms for the first time they were both great experiences and that summer in July I was able to try LSD for my first time it was a low dose but truly beautiful, then I realized I was ready to try Dmt as it was coming closer to me now I'm not sure if it was Dmt or 5-meo but either way it was truly the greatest learning experience I have had to this day, now I have found the nexus after lurking on other great sights I have come here to learn even more and to further myself in this wonderful molecule I know I have knowledge about it but I know I have a long way to go, so thank you for reading this I hope to hear from everyone and talk to great people, so for now peace and thank you.