don't give in to negative thinking , don't let negative thoughts dictate you actions , enjoy life to the best of what is possible each moment , to live without any regrets , death will come in its own time , there is no reason to call it earlier , the experience of life like any experience should be enjoyed , don't give in to anxiety and excessive thinking , be strong , laugh and enjoy life
remember the Divine that gave us life gave us everything , air to breathe , planet to live on , and free food (since human beings did'nt invent fruits , vegetables and grains ... humans beings are just hoarding the resources of the planet and then making life difficult for all creatures )
one can die even if he stops breathing , it takes energy to breathe ,
the breath is the will to live ,
don't listen to your thoughts for answers , ask your breath instead
thoughts and thinking is the result of the mind experiencing reality and being contaminated by it , the breath is pure , the will to live is the will of The whole Divine Universe, the whole cosmos is continuously expanding and God is living forever , the whole cosmos wants to keep expanding and as you're in this Universe you should contribute by living your life with Fun and Enjoyment
the Universe has given us everything for free ... Life , air , water , food a perfectly good planet to live on , it time to contribute and be grateful by living Life to the fullest
illusions !, there are no illusions
there is only that which is the truth