Hello Nexus!!
I have been lurking these pages for a few weeks now and while reading become aware of the great amount of info that is stored on these pages. It's really amazing! So I decided to join the discussions and the community. I hope I can contribute to this wonderful place.
A little about myself... I live in europe and just passed the 30-yr high-water mark. Due to several circumstances in my life at the time I did not pursue a degree in anthropology, which I actually wanted to, but decided for something more practical and non-academic: I'm a carpenter and electrician, but really I'm a jack of all traids.
I have used psychedelics a couple of times in my life. Once or twice when I was in my teens a friend gave me some mushrooms and we had a good time, but I never really got into it at the time, nor did the experience go very deep. A few years ago someone introduced me to ayahuasca and man, I was blown away.
I have always been interested in spirituality, mysticism and alchemy of the spirit (which is what I wanted to study anthropology for), and finally I had found a way to first hand encounter some of the essence of this which interested me so.
After the experience I filled pages and pages of my personal journal with thoughts and conjectures. I was so thrilled. THen a few months later I tried aya again and had a very horrifying experience - possibly the worst time of my life... (I won't go into it, I'm sure you all know what a bad experience is like). I was shaken for two reasons. First of all because of the experience itself, but second of all, and this was somehow more disheartening to me, because I had somehow thought that I was meant to go down this path. Except that the second dose of aya made it clear to me that it wasn't the case.
Later I found out that the person who had brewed the aya onthe second occasion had mixed in some things that on the first occasion had not been in there, i.e. datira seeds and some mushrooms. So really it was a psychedelic coctail, and not what I had agreed to consume.
So I vowed to learn how to make this magic potion myself... after mental recovery from the bad trip... and that's how I got here.
Thank you all for reading