I am growing a couple strains of cubensis right now and am a little frustrated with how long the process is taking. Overall I have waited about a month now and my cakes are finally fully colonized. I have provided them with proper moisture, heat, and sanitation and there is nothing wrong with them. I will be setting up the fruiting chamber later this week (a box I have so far stored them in), anyway I came up with an idea to speed up the colonization speed.
Of course A quart sized mason jar takes much longer to colonize than a half pint mason jar. So I am relying upon this same logic in a possible TEK I would make next time I grow cubensis.
My idea is simple.. Colonize small riceballs. Materials you will need:
Pressure cooker (or a standard pot with jar)
A baking dish that will fit into your jar
Aluminium foil
Brown rice flour
A syringe of your choiceWash hands and clean area.
Get a bowl and mix 1 part water, 2 parts vermiculite, 1 part brown rice flour (I recommend in this order)
Prepare 30 or so 4X4 inch pieces of aluminium foil
Wrap your substrate in each piece of the aluminium securely
Place them in dish
Put a few inches of water in your pot
Place dish in the pot to float
Put on jar
Wait 1-2 weeks
What do you guys think?
I stumble down a wooded path. A wooded path of my youth. Here spirits dance, but spirits scream. Misery and beauty entwine here- much like the suffering and the creation of the universe. My eyes glimmer black; dark circles in a darker night. Plants reach out to hold my hand- or perhaps devour me where I stand. I was afraid, it was a fight. I stumbled, stumbled on through the night. I met many a creatures- wolves and bears- ghosts and ghouls- I made love to my god, I surrendered my soul- with every step of my foot, every electrical charge of my brain, every memory of the past, every stare at the stars. I came to know twofold mysteries that night. The illusion of reality and the reality of illusion. It came to my senses then the nonsense of my knowledge. I knew at once I knew nothing. I knew at once I knew everything- for I knew then there was nothing to know.