well here goes my introduction to the nexus...
having been a long time fan of psychedelics I recently had the chance to experience the medicine for the first time and it has changed me in a wonderfully profound way. I have been able to heal myself of many hurts of both the emotional and physical kind, it has freed me of the darkness I brought into my life investigating the paranormal and allowed me to attain a level of spiritual health I never dared imagined possible... and I'm now starting to see that this is just the beginning.
having only had a select few friends to share my journies into hyperspace with I'm looking forward to now having a community to not only relate my experiences to but to share in others journies as well. the existence of the nexus gives me hope that maybe, just maybe our species can still wake up and reconnect, not just with each other but with existence as a whole.
sacred geometry, crystal power, astral projection, higher levels of consciousness... I here to see how deep this rabbit hole goes.
"they must find it difficult .... those who have taken authority as the truth, rather than truth as the authority" - Gerald Massey