"Every living body emits irradiations. They are electrical. Whenever anything is touched it collects irradiations. We would understand this better if we remembered the idea of the mirror. Everything reflects back. Places where people have had strong emotions are full of strong irradiations, either negative or positive. Inanimate objects reflect the irradiations of living creatures." The Mirror of Light by Rodney Collins
I was perusing a used bookstore one day and I suddenly stumbled across a little book called "The Theory of Eternal Life."
This is just such an interesting read. It really opened my mind to a lot of things and has really contributed to my ability to reach Sub-breakthrough experiences with only the harmalas from a passionflower tea preparation.
Addmittedly it might be hard to get into his flow of writing, because he supposes everything as fact. I can only say that reading this book seems similar to the method of souls "being found" by DMT as far as I can tell.
In reality I groove to the fact that a certain amount of effort is involved in order to find DMT.
Maybe this guy Rodney will resonate with you :] I know he has resonated with me.
"The key to everything we do is attention to the intention. Then the smallest detail will be right both in relation to our physical surroundings and our actions. Then we will never do anything to impress. 'Let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth' means if we do something good we should do it for the sake of the good and not that men may say that we are good. Everything must be done from the heart," The Mirror Of Light by Rodney Collins