So, the other night I took 2 3mg Melatonin pills at bedtime and had 3 nightmares in a row. To put this in perspective, I can remember having perhaps 12 nightmares in my entire life and 3 of them were that night.
6 mg is much more than I usually take, I usually buy the 1 mg size and only take 1 or 2. I'm not even sure why I took 2 of these except that I have been having a tough time sleeping through the night lately, waking up a 3 or 4 am quite often.
I've been taking some time off from smoking pot lately too, for a little over a week now. This always gives me vivid dreams, but not nightmares.
I don't really remember them too well. In the second one there was some sort of fight going on with people who were roommates of mine. I have no idea who they were actually, I live alone, but in the dream we were sharing a house. After the fight I somehow had to wrestle one of them down to the ground and hold him there. He was very bloody and I got blood all over my hands, then woke up at the sight of it all over my hands and shirt.
I fell back asleep easily, and the next one I don't remember much except that it ended with me looking into a mirror and seeing someone else's face. When I moved the other face did not, it just stared back at me. I did not recognize who it was. For some reason this scared the crap out of me and I woke up, but as soon as I awoke I thought the whole thing was really corny, like something from a cheap horror movie. I actually was laughing at myself for being scared, but it was already morning so I did not try to go back to sleep.
I think I have to cut back to 1-2 mg, but I am just wondering if anyone else has experienced nightmares from Melatonin?
It is a very strange thing to have had like a quarter of my whole life's woth of nightmares in a single night.
Images of broken light,
Which dance before me like a million eyes,
They call me on and on...