So I have very few people in my life at this moment that would even listen to me talk about any kind of hallucinogen let alone understand what I would be talking about. This can be quite irritating at times so I believe I should stop lurking in the forum and actually post.
Today the beautiful crystals, that were extracted from a. confusa root bark using a combination of vovins tek and thick lights, were at last able to melt into a neat little chore boy disk and placed into a vaporizer whip. But before the glorious next step of actually vaporizing let me first tell a bit of history. My drug history consists of: marijuana daily for a few years up until a few months ago but still every week, salvia five or six times, LSD twice (once was very weak), MDMA a handful of times, and mushrooms 40ish I'm unsure hard to keep count. Mushrooms have always been my hallucinogen of choice being an amateur mycologist, nature has always given me great power and much inspiration in my life.
Now I have never really had a "bad trip" from mushrooms, some were more difficult than others but sometimes that's when I learned the most. Now that is before about a month ago. I was at a friends house and I was unable to calm myself for most of the trip. The dose would have been possibly fine in an environment I was comfortable in but unfortunately I was not in one and without a way to get to one. I was calm on the outside for the majority of trip but on the inside I was quite anxious and unable to shake the feeling that something was wrong but could not tell what. I ended up calling a close relative to pick me up which calmed me down considerably but once at home I continued to have this strange feeling that I have not ever gotten from mushrooms. I wondered if I was ready to try DMT which I planned to do very soon. Needless to say today was the day I finally felt ready.
I have been preparing by eating healthier, doing well at school as well as work and began working out and meditating more. Two of my oldest friends were invited on the journey, unfortunately we don't talk as much as I wished anymore. Both came but only one of them partook. I began by loading a small amount and proceeded to fill my lungs then passed it to my friend. I closed my eyes and could start to see slight movement as if snakes were coming in and out of shadowy waters as well some emerging color. I began to feel very heavy as if melting but this all faded quite quickly. I felt quite euphoric and energized but didn't really feel like moving much. I opened my eyes and spoke with my partner on this journey and he described the same type of experience. We decided to give it a minute before loading a larger dose and heading to the backyard for better vibes.
This time two large hits were taken. I now know that if I had taken a third hit I would have had a breakthrough but at the time it was all I felt I could do. Everything began to give off vibrations and my perception was being greatly altered very quickly. I closed my eyes again and could see strikingly vivid colors flowing in and out of each other and they too were giving off the same kind of vibrations. After a few minutes of this( I know only because of the sober friends description of the day) I began to get that strange feeling, I can feel myself start to hold back the visuals. I repeated a mantra, I understood I was fine and would have been even if I had experienced a breakthrough but at the time I was thankful I didn't. Now I wished I had because I feel as I'm only left with more anxiety about it. Part of my issue is finding a proper sitter. When I get to a certain point and am with people I wouldn't want to have a freakout or bawl my eyes out in front of it makes me uncomfortable and I think about it too much. As I could feel the form of my body slipping those thoughts came into my head. After several minutes and a few tokes from a joint I was pf but a bit shaken. I have always enjoyed mushrooms and salvia alone but felt a sitter would be best for DMT but don't have anyone in my lie right now I truly trust.
So here is where I am now. Extremely eager to try again but feel this new hallucinogenic anxiety I have been getting mist be rid of but an antidote is unbeknownst to yours truly. I suppose I must gain more positive energy, perhaps waiting until spring here would be best. The rebirth of the plant and fungal life might be just what I need but am unsure if that will be enough.
Well looking back that was much longer than I desired but like I said I have very few opportunities to talk so openly about something like this to people who might actually be able to give me some perspective. I appreciate anyone who made it all the way through and I greatly look forward to sharing my further experiences. Thank you again.
mc boba fett