Help Urgent Please..
SWIM i using the WaschaTek from time to time, and worked mostly well..
The first time SWIM did, did first time Pull dar red, with fresh Naphata..
The next pulls were slightly yellow..
As that was SWIMS first TEK ever, he followed it Step by Step, with solvenz wash, etc. and after freezing he resulted in this dark spice..
The xerxt time using the TEK, it worked always fine for me..
No SWIM did again and hier first pull is dark red again…
the next pulls did well last time, but as mixed WSIM had freeze precipoated so dark red spice although did the washing proces of Naphta from the TEK,
Now started the Tek again and after the first pull (~10 min heatbathed) using fresh naphta again, his 1st pull is as dark rred as it was earlier..??
Anyone an idea of what went wront??
SWIM expects the next pulls to be "normaled colored" again..
had to rex a lot, but the spice wasnt even very good..
no worrying that would happen again..
Any suggestions on what happened, why happened and how to solve the problem??
any prompt advices appreciated, as working on it..!!!