I haven't checked out Noman's Tek yet, but it will be the next one I look into. I'm glad you had such great results with it. Did you weigh your dry product? I'm curious about your yield, but not of the slag. Ammonia's rough, and it is a base, but it's a different type of base, so if it has been working, that may be why. I'm not sure if you're removing all of the ammonia, so I'd go back to doing it the normal way even though it's working. You could end up vaping something that could destroy your throat. (No fun.)
The slag, though. Surface area is almost always the key, and remember that you're not supposed to finish with the slag. You want purity more than yield ALWAYS when it comes to something you'll be injesting. That said, keep the slag together as well as you can, sometimes you can use a little bit of extra liquid solvent to rinse viscous liquids from one container to the next if you're running the risk of losing a large amount of product. So while you're not yet trying to recrystallize the final product, keep that gooey slag together. When evaporating, a larger surface area is key, but when you're recrystallizing, it's not necessary.
The recrystallization process is a purification process. The DMT molecules want to arrange themselves in a certain way to form a solid crystalline structure, but there are a lot of other molecules in the way, so we heat up the solution or excite the molecules and slowly cool them down to allow crystals to form. Assuming the Tek is correct, which is probably a good assumption since so many people use it, the crystals formed will be pure DMT, and that's all you want to ingest. Vaporizing or smoking the leftover stuff might make your head float a little, but it will not be worth it for all of the contaminants it contains. Throw it away. You have to when you recrystallize anything, so don't think of it as a loss, just think of it as a necessary part of the process if you want badass results.
I hope that helps you out, hixidom. I'll probably be using the Noman's Tek once my dye arrives, and I'll post how things go and if I have any changes to make to the Tek.
Our psyches need cleansing. Normalcy is destroying our minds and spirits. Thank the world for entheogens.