Having delved into hyperspace maybe half a dozen times previously with only one proper breakthrough, when Swim came across a gram of good quality spice they decided to make some changa. Swim used equal parts blue lotus and passionflower, with a hint of peppermint for flavour. With no access to accurate scales the herbs were eyeballed, at a guess 1g blue lotus & 1g passionflower to 1g of spice. The experiment was successful, with 2 small pinches in a joint of passionflower and tobacco resulting in clear, powerful and insightful breakthroughs for Swim and Swim's first-timer friend.
Swim, Swim's partner and Swim's friend attended an electronic music festival the next day, partaking in a number of decent changa joints throughout the morning. Swim had several breakthroughs, including entity encounters, and one medium-onset dose with clear geometric OEV. That night Swim had another joint after preloading with a large amount of the MAOIs, resulting in a long and deep trip, not full breakthrough but with a jester appearing in OE FOV and other auditory communications. That was all for that day. The next morning Swim and crew decided to start the day with a nice strong one. Swim's first toke was strong and felt overpowering, already the rising pitch and feeling imminent breakthrough. Deciding to take it easy on this one, Swim passed the joint and lay back to let the love wash over. The joint came back in a few moments and Swim, initially not going to have any on this pass, was overcome by an urge to have LOTS. Mental voices were urging to draw and draw and draw (self? elves?). Instant breakthrough, although with some bodily awareness. CEV was filled with a giant stretchy energy web trampoline, it felt like each string in the web represented individual consciousnesses in the physical plane. Swim was aware that their body was still heavily toking. It was at this point that Swim rolled from their back to their knees, dry retching violently. It felt as though their entire self was being inverted, with their body becoming outside and everything becoming internal. Swim was yelling loudly, then suddenly burst to their feet and was running forward. They fell to their knees, did some sort of handstand flip thing, were propelled meters across the ground in rolling motion. Swim did not feel as though they had any control over their physical movement at this point, the rolling continued for maybe ten meters. The propulsion was unbelievably forceful, but somehow not rough - no scratching or bruising, surprising given the rocks and sticks all over the ground. Swim came to feet again and began a series of hindu-like movements involving hand movements and alignments. After this was concluded Swim let out a howl, and gradually came back to normal awareness. Swim felt overwhelmed, there were elements of love but also unbelievable power involved.
This recount is pieced together from Swim's own recollection (limited, as Swim's awareness was filled with consciousness of a spiralling serpent channeling from ground to sky - kundalini?) and reports from Swim's partner and friend. Swim's partner described it as looking as though Swim was possessed or controlled by an unknown force - many of the physical movements had no resonance with Swim's usual manner.
Needless to say, Swim had no more for a couple of days. Swim has had several trips since of a much more typical nature, and despite initial hesitation, is feeling comfortable with the drug again.
I'm curious whether other people have encountered similar physical manifestations from spice trips, and whether anyone has thoughts on the possession aspect, or whether this is likely just the result of a large dose with MAOIs. Most of the time I'm still quite sceptical of the "reality" of hyperspace, entities and spirits encountered, etc., considering it more a manifestation of unconscious mental processes, but given Swim's recent experiences and feeling of not having physical control, I'd love to hear some other opinions and thoughts on this.