Yes, I've been using psilocybin to achive this experience in a deep meditation. The thing is that I used very few mushrooms (Psilocybe semilanceata) our swedish mushroom from nature, only for a tool to reach complete void, with other words - turn off your mind which means stop identifying yourself with the information you have in your brain. The strength can be compered to maybe 0.2 gram of cubensis. Not much.
I will describe everything in detail in that thread. And the story doesn't end at the void
But I believe this can be attained without any help from any drug. Only me can know it and other can only speculate about it. But I will give a complete detail way how to achive it. Only thing they have to do is follow the exact sequence, step by step to achive it. And the people who can identify them self in my explanation will reveal them self to me.
This experience is a big missing piece in our science and has been known by man since long time back ago. But noone has brought it up to a scientific level. Maybe because buddhists and hindus for instance and others choose not to work with scientists.
But the more we are, with exact same experience, maybe it can make the scientist more interested in this particular ultimate experience. Maybe they can creat a method to shutdown some parts of the brain so the user in its body can follow my method to achive the goal and get the same result.
It will be interesting to explain this more in detail later in that thread
I'll be back later to tell more about myself...