Glad to see some brainstorming here, awesome stuff! thanks guys.
@ Garmonium, while i respect your opinion, i disagree on most fronts. All things worth doing are hard and require great effort and dedication to accomplish. One could equally say why bother writing music when the most brilliant hyperspace orchestras are there to be heard all you need to do is trip etc. This is about bringing our vision and interperitation of the experience to OTHERS a way of sharing and integrating our experiences as well.
But this thread is not to debate wheather or not its possible it is here to collaborate resources and skills and get a cool video started! If we cant do full on 3d, oh well, we will do our best!
@ Guyomech- Your ideas are a great start of how we can get the ball rolling. Im more than happy to devote my resources and time to managing this project! Thank you for your suggestions! Very direct.
This is a good idea, i will browse the music art pages for nexus artists, off the bat the people who were involved in the front page landing page come to mind for visual artists....
Please feel free to make the announcement and call the attention of the artists guyomech! have them pm me or sign on in this thread, with what their skill is or vision is they have to contribute.
Also, if you know of any talented nexians that would be right for this project, let me know their names and I will solicite their help to save me the trouble of seeking them out.
My feeling is, we will find good art and music, we really need a good editor/animator, with quality gear and programs to fit the pieces together. My friend has made some really high quality videos using just Final Cut Pro he made an introduction to his production company that looks professional hollywood quality, but his interests arent in line with this project so I wont solicite his help just yet.
Also feel free to brainstorm ideas for the flow of the project here, what I mean is the content, what ideas do we have for the video itself?
I think we could have 2 options for the music (as guyomech touched on): A: We browse through music nexians have already made, and select ones relevant to the video, or B: We compose original material specifically for the video, obviously we would need a concept for the video before this...
Also it could be different songs, and evolving changing video scenes, or more of an entire “theme” where it is more consistant throughout...
How long a video are we talking here? The shorter the easier, but I was thinking more than the lenght of one song for sure....
So if you have interest, or ideas or skills to contribute, please share here, this project is officially rolling and will evolve!
I was thinking of doing something that gives scenes from different important entheogenic places in time. Sort of like how 1200 mics has that Album Time Machine where they do a musical interperitation of say, the Mayans, one for ancient greece, one for the future, the garden of eden etc. This way it would impose a non linear view of time, and show how all these events are connected.
Here are some scenes I would like to see: Opening with a ceremony around a fire, in say the desert by a temple: then on to maybe a blood ritual or sacrafice of the mayans, then onto the rainforest, the aqua realms, atlantis the future, these are just some places we could go, of course this is a very loose idea and is open to criticism and contribution.
One of my songs (or even a re-adaptation of it) called First Human, I think would be great to open this, and would go with an initiion, ceremonial vibe to open the video, you can find the song on my thread
Minds of Infinity 2012, of course, in the end we will have to come up with a vision and I think the musicians we can collaborate together on the whole thing in a way that satisfies the vision of everyone.
Cant wait to get the ball rolling here, sign on here or pm me and lets start appointing some roles!
You have never been apart from me. You can never depart and never return, for we are continuous, indistinguishable. We are eternal forever