" I have also had side effects such as waking up from deep sleep as I was emerging from a mandala and coming out of a portal into my body and into my room. I loved it but it is a side effect."
Yea i also have had stuff like that happen for years. its wild how thoroughly psychedelics have impacted my dreamlife, and waking for that matter :]
i love it, but to call it a 'side-affect' isn't really doing this sort of thing justice or painting it in an accurate light for me. Maybe after-affect is a better term, since side-affect is often portrayed in a negative light...
These sort of permanent consciousness changes could be looked at as a 'main-effect', really: since they aren't merely a random side-effect, or even negative consequence of one too many dips into hyperspace (although at times i suppose they can be..). I mean for example, is an increased sense of empathy or connectedness with others, and expanded view of oneself and the cosmos- which can occur due to psychedelic work- just a 'side-effect'? or the progressive growth of ones awareness?.... but of course its way more complex than i can say, and there is endless variation in how this sort of thing is experienced in people
i don't intend to put words in your mouth, since our internal dictionaries can differ greatly... and by 'side-effect' you might have meant something pertaining to what i said, as opposed to something neutral or negative- which it can be at times, for sure
this whole area has been talked about quite a bit and is very interesting, especially since so many nexians report 'after-effects' of all sorts ..i'm listening to an interview right now so i'll just copy some of my responses to similar threads posted here over the past month or so that i found via search
"neuroplasticity is probably relevant
many people have experiences of psychedelic states while 'sober' after having a lot of experiences with these plants and substances. Life just gets more intense and strange, and you can get to some far out places, or in some trouble at times. For some reason, some people are different and experience these 'after effects', for lack of a better word, whether 'good' or 'bad', much quicker than other people and to different degrees of intensity and anxiety"
"i experience stuff like that everyday
flashbacks just a term with a lot of stupid cultural connotations attached to it... no one even knows what it 'is' anyways. i wouldn't focus on it or get hung up on words and categorically placing experiences into mental slots of designated meaning
but fact is, you can deliberately build the neuronal connections (or whatever the mechanism is) to altered states of consciousness to the point where you can get to some pretty far out states without ingesting anything at all, and sometimes spontaneously. this is what people have done for millenia in the amazon and other places all over the world. its just like building any other muscle, skill, or practice"
"sounds normal, i wouldn't worry. a lot of us here 'hallucinate' all the time. you can push this sort of thing with practice and enter some very dmt-ish visionary places. Staring with a certain relaxed focus is one way to do it...especially in mirrors
this probably all relates to how some good ayahuasca shamans eventually learn to bring in the visions with the icaros, while not even taking the brew. many on the nexus report this sort of thing"
<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"