Quote:I respectfully disagree for one simple reason. Nobody chooses to be born, or what traits they inherit. It is not fair to force your own genetics into a host of cells for emotional instinctual reasons.
I am fine with doing whatever you like with your own life, that is your choice. To decide to produce another human being is the most serious decision a person can make, by far. Yet in our society kids just happen, by accident or through a fit of passion, or love between two people.
I feel that the decision to produce another life should be made in the best interest of our race as a whole, since we all draw from the same gene pool and are stuck on the same planet. Perhaps my idea wouldn't work, but the concept behind it I think is a noble and altruistic one... to improve the genetic material of humans for better health and a longer more enjoyable life.
The idea that you have a right to reproduce is very selfish, in my opinion.
You want to deny human beings of their most basic and important instinct because of concern over our planet? While concern of our planet is legit the way you want to go about solving it is a direct violation of human rights. How dare you say that decision to produce another life should be made in the best interest of our race as a whole. We do live on the same planet but we do not share the same values and goals in life and that can never and should never be forced onto people. What you are saying is basically eugenics and controlled breeding. The idea that I have the right to reproduce is selfish? What you are saying is the same socialistic totalitarian behavior that is ruining our world. There is no such thing as this "greater good" of humanity. Anyone who thinks they know what the "greater good" is, is a little to full of themselves.
So how will people be picked for being able to breed? Will it be based on income will it be based on their genes? Both are unfair! Sounds like a totalitarian state is what you want for your future which is something I nor anyone else should ever bow to! Controlling humans ability to breed is cruel sick and twisted and you make me sick for thinking you or anyone else has the right to make such a decision for anyone else.
But I won't just criticize your sick views on the world but offer real honest pro human rights solutions. The only sane way to bring populations under control is if people get wealthier in the sense that they don't have to worry about where their food is coming from etc and the quality of their lives improve they naturally will lean towards having only a couple of children. As people get wealthier and more educated about why its not a good idea to have 10 kids because then you need to feed 10 kids they always lean to having less children. But if they have ten kids and get more welfare or more foreign aid do you think anything will change? No it won't and thats exactly whats going on right now. Plus access to and how to use birth control helps too. Its a really simple solution our world population problems. We need to stop IMF and world bank from destroying developing countries who are overpopulating themselves because of the dire poverty they have been forced into by such organizations and former colonial powers. The final and most important issue is women's rights. If a country allows women to have equal rights as men to make the decision of weather or not they want children populations naturally drift to only having a few children.
To summarize, how to solve our over population problems:
1: Stop the IMF and world bank from plunging nations into poverty.
2: Allow those nations to develop on their own and trade as needed with private companies within those nations and NOT with the cruel brutal governments that tend to run developing countries
3: Womens rights must be recognized.
Quote:This is not a problem so long as we maintain our vast wealth... Unfortunately part of the way we do that is by exploiting not so fortunate countries such as the DRC where coltan ore is mined to produce most of the world's supply of tantalum. This tantalum is indispensable in the production of cellphones and it's mining is responsible for the majority of the strife in the Congo.
Why do you think this has happened? Because we use the IMF and world bank to control these nations recourses. We give them loans to set up government run companies that take advantage of their own people. We do not allow the people in these nations to own their recourses and sell them to us at prices that the people who own the companies decide. Instead we let brutal totalitarian dictators war lords and socialist/communist regimes who abuse the shit out of their own people do the business. Globalization based on socialist ideals and a fake form of capitalism controlled by central bankers is the problem!
Quote:So while I agree that we live in a very humane society, internally at least, our freedom and peace is the result of our advanced technology and abundant resources and taking advantage of others. This means that if our position in the world were to change we could become just as dysfunctional as Zimbabwe or Haiti.
Our freedom is a result of our constitutions and agreements with our own governments. Peace is a result of people choosing to work together not against each other for mutual or individual benefit. Ask yourself again why did zimbabwe and haiti get to be so bad? The same culprits are responsible everytime.
Quote:In the same way, the DRC could become a free and open society like our own if it just had abundant resources, wealth and advanced technology.
Or we stopped jamming them into so much debt and forcing brutal regimes to extract recourses from their people and land. Then they could have a chance at becoming a free and open society.
Quote:I think we would be in a better position if we changed the way we think so that even if we didn't have such an abundance of wealth and advanced technology we would still act humanely and be able to maintain a free and peaceful society.
And what way of thinking is that?
Coatl in response to your tax statement that is forcing people to pay for having children! Taxes cannot control peoples population either and also is a violation of what I believe are human rights. Just having another child to pay for to feed is a burden on a parent as it is. Unless you also think that welfare should just take care of everyone and thus to reduce costs one would need to force people to breed less through tax incentives. Which is again another sick form of government.
People you need to realize what is really wrong with our world and how to truly solve it. More and more people are looking to the government or some international organization like the UN, EU or world bank to solve our problems. This is exactly the problem governments and international regulations are the problem! Does that mean we abolish all government? No of course not then things would quickly descend into chaos. The solution is to only support governments that puts the rights of its people above itself. I am a fan of the U.S. constitution for this very reason. It was written to protect the liberty of people and let them self govern on a local level. Unfortunately very few policticians obey or respect the constitution and thus all the problems with the U.S. that are constantly also spilling over to the rest of the world.
If you want to really learn whats going on I suggest looking into the history of central banking, socialism and communism and how they always lead to some kind of centralization of power or totalitarian systems and you will soon realize they are all failures and the source of many of our current problems. Those systems are the reason genocides happen they are the reason our environment can be rampaged because they can manipulate the market and thus the true cost of a resource. This really is the problem! WAKE UP PEOPLE! Every time some asshole in some government thinks he knows how to tell people how to live their life or how to make the world a better place someone else ALWAYS gets screwed over.