Hello embracethevoid
With regards to meditation, I believe their are over 35,000 different types of meditation.
I have tried about 15 different types of meditation, I have been meditating for about 17 years.
The best and by far the most rewarding meditation (for me at least) is 3rd eye meditation. This form of meditation literally results in a feeling of pure love, bliss and extacy. Ultimatly leading to one leaving the body and traveling back to the source.
After I meditate, I can literally feel that vibration in nature and people, the wind on my face, the beauty of a flower or a tree, it is truly remarkable! I sometimes just walk round and round a local park close to me in awe (some people must think I am nuts!)
I don't know what type of meditation you are practicing, but I can highly recommend 3rd eye meditation.
3rd eye meditation instructionsI believe you can attain what you are looking for and a lot more with 3rd eye meditation.
Hope this helps
Love n light
I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention in fact everything I write here is a lie !
I hope in some way, my posts and replies may of helped you, I hope you like what I have said here if not feel free to send me a none flame PM