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Trying to improve Acacia information Options
#1141 Posted : 1/14/2013 3:30:24 PM
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^..lovely acacian..thanks for that..Smile

Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
#1142 Posted : 1/15/2013 5:18:54 AM
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..well, haven't quite given up the ghost yet..Smile ..thought i should mention that anyone interested in the collaborative book project feel free to PM me..getting ready..

an afterthought on the concept of 'Changa' blends..
..this also relates to what i feel is a sometimes unnecessary quest by some for 'pure' dmt species..i made a point somewhere a year or so ago about the great benefits of plants or parts containing nmt and betacarbolines in mixture with dmt..i likened such mixed tryptamine and carboline species to "nature's changa"..
slower onset, gentler, longer time window, expanded healing aspects..
..NMT as well as and/or in conjunction with the ß-carbolines extends the duration of smoked DMT..so, this would be the kind of pure extract i would recommend to the 'folks'..Pleased
not as fast or intense as the full pure DMT flash..that said, a little fear of 'god' or trees now and then shouldn't hurt..the Crystaline Intelligence!Smile

and losely paralleling the complexity of other exotic herbs blended in modern 'changa', remember the host of trace compounds in the acacia mix..fatty acids, flavonoids..
..furthermore natures' 'changa' (if you will) is always changing to suit the season of the Now..
trees may have more 'in mind' for you than just one molecule..
#1143 Posted : 1/15/2013 8:25:21 AM


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just quick update, through adversity of moving house results of the experiment from the last page unfortunately remain mystery, can say little more than that .. i have been lucky enough to obtain a small amount of a. simplex phyllodes, and am looking forward to some alchemy soon

one question, what do you guys know about β-methyl-phenethylamine ?

below is a phyllode from a. simplex, on top of a book that helped get it into the country, a stimulus as well as a vessel

edit: speaking of books,
Seldom attached the following image(s):
IMG_0969.jpg (41kb) downloaded 197 time(s).
#1144 Posted : 1/15/2013 12:02:31 PM

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What do you think about Complanata? I extracted from it so long ago, and thought it a very pleasant material, but have forgotten about it! It is such a lovely tree and I think I have seeds somewhere in my things!

Have you heard of people using it as an admixture in brews or any reports of people using it succesfully to inhibit MAO?

#1145 Posted : 1/16/2013 10:15:40 AM
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..interesting phyllode Seldom, thanks for pic Smile..i discussed phenethylamine a little here p52, there isn't a great deal of data..there is a report on the nexus claiming it super-psychedelic at a large dose orally [see this thread]..it, or other PEAs, may have effects a much smaller doses smoked..it is one of the main actives in chocolate (along with theobromine) ..i mentioned on p52 that PEA is endogenous, and lower urine levels are associated with depression
N-methylphenethylamine is more common in acacias..

and chocobeastie, i have orally ingested A. complanata a couple of times..as i mentioned on p10, a bitter variety growing on granite was an effective sedative,..i think this species has real potential as a beta-carboline source..actually, they'll more on exclusively ß-carboline acacias in the future, but for now i'll mention another acacia has been used to activate a dmt species..it's not that common and i want a bit more time to do justice to that story (it's in the list) ..also, whatever carboline is in it remians unidentified..this is a cutting edge area of research, for sure..
#1146 Posted : 1/16/2013 10:22:56 AM
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..i wanted to expand on Acacia californica [see few posts back for pic], which is what it should be called, and why i bothered to mention it in passing in the past..
it's great example of two aspects of the lack of clarity on North and Central American acacias..firstly, nomenclature..it's also synonymous with Acacia unijuga (Rose) from Mexico..and it's been confusingly renamed a Vachellia, though it is not consistent with any other 'vachellia's..and it is distinct from Acacia pringelli (found mexico) ..it has pinnae so large they could be mistaken for phyllodes, unlike most otheracacias/vachellias of the americas..also, it has spike or rod flowers, not ball..{edit} some west coast american acacias may be related to australasian acacais, so there could be a link between the east coast of australia and west coast america, imaginably via the pacific..so, taxonomically, i would rate it an interesting one to look at for DMT or tryptamine out of US acacias (although we know of one result small amounts DMT from A. angustissima 'White Ball Acacia' )
..the second lack of clarity on acacias in the region is location records..this is in part due to land clearing where species may have once grown, but mainly due to the arid/dry/hostile environments they are often found in..not a lot of people, let alone botanists, go to some of these remote desert places..
to sum up, there's potentially much for the rugged adventurer/explorer to discover in the southern areas of the USA (and northern Mexico)
#1147 Posted : 1/19/2013 2:37:18 PM

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I'm surprised no one has yet leapt on your brief comment a few pages back re: Eucalyptus, nen888! If you want to expand on that perhaps we should start a new thread, because it's off-topic and this one is already so big... but seeing as you mentioned it first here, would you please share with us which species you looked at? (The twenty-something negatives as well!)
#1148 Posted : 1/20/2013 10:49:45 AM
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..it's not really such a big deal to me wira.. (only being half cheeky too) the reason being that, when we look at how few plants in the world have been formally tested to alkaloids compared to what's out there, only the tip of the iceberg has ever been looked at..what i find surprising is the lack of formal research..i guess it's partly political (i.e. avoid finding hallucinogens)..so, if someone actually funded the testing of another, say, 6,000 species of untested australasian plants, i'm sure there's gonna be a fair and diverse amount of DMT out there!..alright, it was E. globoidea, maybe 0.09%, but you'll have to distill the volatile oil off i'd say..Smile it was done as a random sampling of a large number of different species with reagents, and then followed up..there are other genus with tryptamines, but hey, it's semi-longterm work in conjunction with others, in progress..and this is the acacia and allies thread..Pleased. ..i don't think eucalyptus is anything like legumes for such alkaloids..
..Pine, pirateb0b, wouldn't be my first choice to survey as dmt seems prevalent in more modern plants (i.e flowering), not dinosaur age trees, but you never know..

..a big deal to me (it got one comment, good one timeloop) is this:
..when i mentioned 'extended healing' properties of multi-tryptamine acacias i guess i was underemphasising an aspect, partly due to ongoing research in progress, and also so as not to seem drawn to pre-emptive 'hype'..

but that aspect is to do with NMT (N-Methlytryptamine), and recent medical findings that it inhibited the growth of cancer cells [nmt talk 2011]..there are now a number of anecdotal reports (incl. firsthand) of possible positive activity in this regard, but obviously without proper bio-medical studies and study of all factors, these cases must remain anecdotal..
..but NMT and it's relationship to other tryptamines raises some key points for society and plant control, as well as humans..would society prohibit a possible cancer treatment because it may be accompanied by changes in consciousness (usually judged positive by the subject) ?
but, as i said in my 2011 talk on NMT, it DMT and other tryptamines have multiple modes of physiological action, multiple binding sites..whatever they do, they seem important and ubiquitous in both animals and plants..
#1149 Posted : 1/21/2013 5:42:43 AM
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..correction on my Acacia californica description..apologies
it does in fact have pinnae (true leaves not phyllodes), however these are unusually large..
the flowers are spike..all in all a very unusual 'acacia' or 'vachellia'..

more images below, close-up leaves incl. stipules (spines), flower and habit..
nen888 attached the following image(s):
californica-DS16163 stipular spines-1.jpg (76kb) downloaded 324 time(s).
californica-DS16164 flower.jpg (80kb) downloaded 325 time(s).
californica-DS161630 habit.jpg (356kb) downloaded 326 time(s).
#1150 Posted : 1/21/2013 9:54:48 AM
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..here we have the australian Acacia cyanophylla naturalised Italy..
it has been found to contain alkaloids in leaf and stem, but what alkaloids were not identified [Alkaloid-bearing plants and their contained alkaloids by John James Willaman, Bernice Giduz Schubert]
..first photo in olbia, Sardinia; second in Sicily..
nen888 attached the following image(s):
Acacia cyanophylla, italy.jpg (50kb) downloaded 313 time(s).
A. cyanophylla, sicily.jpg (144kb) downloaded 309 time(s).
#1151 Posted : 1/21/2013 6:51:53 PM
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..chatting with the groovy acacian the other day (g'daySmile) reminded me of the benefits of oral tradition, direct discourse and just plain old conversation..i'm heading your way, acacians of the world!..haha..maybe i should visit the chat more in the meantime..Smile a bit more text to suffice for now..

ancient Egyptian use of acacia in birth control:
Contraception was known, one suggested mixture involving acacia, carob, dates, all to be ground with honey and placed in the womans vagina.


Isis, tree and birthing ritual ancient inscription pictured:
nen888 attached the following image(s):
isis &tree.jpg (50kb) downloaded 302 time(s).
Parshvik Chintan
#1152 Posted : 1/21/2013 9:42:20 PM

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nen888 wrote:

hey, carob is a fabaceae too.. any chance of tryptamine content?
My wind instrument is the bong
#1153 Posted : 1/23/2013 9:55:43 AM
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..haven't had a chance to look at carob Parshvik C, but we can recall that bergamot had a long history before DMT turned up last year..it comes down to whether a plant has been a) multiply tested for alkaloids (as opposed to other kinds of compound) and b) the alkaloids have been specifically identified..this has not been done to the majority of the world's plants..

..in acacia land, i'll shortly update the australian (and other) species lists..there were valuable new species unveiled in the last few months of 2012..
a note on seasonal variation..
there can be, at times (in well researched species) twice as much alkaloid in the phyllode than bark (branch or trunk), while at different times the opposite can occur..this, and Borris's recent report on weather condition variability suggest the alkaloids move around in the plant..what are they 'doing'?
i'm looking forward to hearing more Acacia leiocalyx reports (one of the 'stars' of 2012.. )

and on the US front, it's great to have the awesome Keeper Trout here at the nexus!..Trout added some great info to the recent A. berlanieri/A. rigidlula thread..
incl. a mention of A. schaffneri, another southern candidate..again apparently PEAs and tyramine (Forbes & Clement)
the book "Some Simple Tryptamines" is still available and great btw..!

Acacias certainly provide a lot of ways in which to study and be intrigued by them,
..i wish all acacia threaders and readers vigorous new growth in the near future..Smile

images of southern USA Acacia schaffneri..(Twisted Acacia) found Chuhuahuan desert: USA (Southern Texas), Mexico south to Oaxaca, also reported in South America
nen888 attached the following image(s):
acacia schaffneri-01.png (879kb) downloaded 271 time(s).
Acacia_schaffneri.jpg (15kb) downloaded 274 time(s).
Keeper Trout
#1154 Posted : 1/24/2013 12:52:31 AM
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Keeper Trout | Skills: Jack of many trades, master of several:  chemistry, microbiology, optical work, stone cutting, metal working, botany.Cacti expert | Skills: Jack of many trades, master of several:  chemistry, microbiology, optical work, stone cutting, metal working, botany.Senior Member | Skills: Jack of many trades, master of several:  chemistry, microbiology, optical work, stone cutting, metal working, botany.

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Thanks for posting such a lot of cool stuff.
IInteresting on the contraceptive. When I was in Hawaii some years ago I read a book on native medicinal plants that suggested Acacia koa was also formerly used as a contraceptive but the details had been lost due to the influence of early missionaries who objected to contraception.

Something tangential to schaffneri but showing some images of the plant and flowers (among the more prevalent imagery of assorted malformations that are its actual subject):
Its 10+Mb.
For people on dialup, a slide show of the same material is at http://www.largelyaccurateinformationmedia.com

Some other Acacia imagery:


greggii var wrightii (with apologies that this entry is so incomplete at the moment)



#1155 Posted : 1/24/2013 5:44:21 AM
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^..sorry to hear this pirateb0bSad ..if it's totally ringbarked could be a problem..just a little bit of vertical sap flow is what it needs to live (a few acacias can regrow from the base, but not most) ..you could try making a kind of 'tree bandage' to keep in moisture and prevent infection..even some kind of poultice..

..Keeper Trout, thanks for all the great links! Very happy
interesting about A. koa..a real interesting, un-tested (afaik), sacred and very rare hawaiian species is the recently named A. kaoaiensis [see p47 here]..very much in need of cultivation to preserve it..

would be great to finally clear up (to a degree) what the acacias of america have to offer in alkaloids..
Keeper Trout
#1156 Posted : 1/24/2013 6:20:35 AM
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Keeper Trout | Skills: Jack of many trades, master of several:  chemistry, microbiology, optical work, stone cutting, metal working, botany.Cacti expert | Skills: Jack of many trades, master of several:  chemistry, microbiology, optical work, stone cutting, metal working, botany.Senior Member | Skills: Jack of many trades, master of several:  chemistry, microbiology, optical work, stone cutting, metal working, botany.

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Pirateb0b- Its probable the tree will die without help.
Its purportedly possible (I have not tried this so can only relay something that is anecdotal) to create a bark graft using a short strip of the bark layers from the same tree to span the gap (you'll need fresh cuts on the ends of thegraft and both sides of the injury - I'd try to end the graft well into some healthy tissues on either side of the injury). Many plants graft fine to themselves. Best wishes for finding a really sharp razor blade, making a good fit and experiencing excellent healing.

Nen888 -I'm not familiar with that species but would like to learn more.
Acacia koaia is an awesomely straggly sacred Hawaiian tree that has been both rare and challenged for some time. It too is begging for propagation and analysis. They were believed to be heading towards extinction back in 1993 when I visited Maui so they might be gone by now? I always like to believe someone out there brings these sorts of things into cultivation.
#1157 Posted : 1/24/2013 2:50:10 PM

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Regarding Hawaiian Acacias, Dennis McKenna has said that years ago he planned to do a thesis on the alkaloids of Hawaiian Acacias, but changed his focus because he couldn't detect alkaloids in any of them. Of course, we don't know if that's the case all of the time, based on what we know of variability, and the existence of some species that usually contain nothing detectable, but then occasionally... (eg. melanoxylon and mearnsii, presuming species identification has been accurate in all cases).

nen888, thanks for the Euc. species name. I can imagine you being blase about such a finding given all the knowledge you have stuffed away in that noggin of yours, but I'm sure you know that I still cream over every little new discovery Laughing Btw, I presume that was from inner bark or outer wood? And does eucalyptus oil really come through in the alkaloid extraction in any appreciable quantity or are you kidding?
#1158 Posted : 1/25/2013 12:07:34 AM
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^..Acacia kauaiensis Hillebr., synon A. koaiensis synon. A. koa var. koaiensis is very rare, guarded by the indigenous, and wasn't defined as it's own species by botanists until recently [Brown, Murphy, Kidman, and Ladiges Aus. System. Bot. 2012] ..so i'd be slightly surprised if Dennis specifically tested it..also, how many tests did he do..?
..the eucalypt tryptamines (not certain dmt) were from branch/stem..and wira, i kid you not about anything! Smile
very small amounts of cineol-like volatile oils certainly migrated to the basic extract of A. sophorae upright form (re-tested last year, which had about 0.4% mixed tryptamines)..cineol and similar volatile oils are highly soluble in NP solvents, and de-fatting may not be totally efficient in this regard..distillation would be required to separate them from alkaloids..

below Acacia koaiensis synon. Acacia kauaiensis Hillebr.

nen888 attached the following image(s):
A. kaunensis.jpg (74kb) downloaded 190 time(s).
A. koaiensis.jpg (149kb) downloaded 191 time(s).
#1159 Posted : 1/25/2013 12:16:53 AM
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..page 47 [featuring new findings on pacific acacias] reminded me that i must apologise again for not having the 'best of thread' pdf done by 22nd december last year..other than life matters, the other hold up has been trying to decide how to re-organise the info..
..what i think i'll do is, while continuing work on the 'actual' acacia book, is do a best of pdf (vol 1) arranged out of the index..i.e. alphabetically by subject like an encyclopaedia..the purpose being to make info easier to find..i won't try and force myself to a date this time Smile, but it won't take too long once i dive in..

..and again i want to thank all contributors..you've really made the thread!

and ultimately the Trees..
at the end of the day i stand by my belief that their spirit guided the change in awareness of them which has risen in the past two years..
#1160 Posted : 1/25/2013 1:04:27 AM
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^..that's no animal..!
cockatoos can rip off acacia bark (in search of grubs which they can hear (!) by placing their heads against the trunk), but it's never a ring, clean like that (and doesn't harm the trees..only the grubs)
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