I cant find much of anything out there on this alkaloid..other than one report I think of a guy who had 1mg either IM or IV and found it overwhelming.
I know that the sample of wild arundinacea extract I sent to endless for testing last year came back with more 5meoNMT than it did DMT or NMT..and no 5meoDMT..and a significant beta carboline content..
I tested extracts from wild grass in the same area on myself a handful of times, from samples throughout the season. The stuff harvest in late fall, as it was yellowing just after a light snowfall was the strongest.
It had effects very similar to what I would expect of 5meoDMT, though that is one tryptamine I have never had a pure verified sample to work with so I cant say. I know the beta carboline content is reported to go way up in ardundinacea as the season progresses so that could be a factor..but I cant help but wonder what impact any 5meoNMT present could have had.
Within seconds of vaping the yellow waxy extract I fell back and felt a pressure building in my pineal area, then both felt and heard a "pop" in that same area..then huge ammounts of energy rushing through my body..very challenging psychedelic and energetic headspace with no visuals at all other than a red tinted sort of light with my eyes closed(in a lit room). Not like DMT..but definatly a trptamine feel to it and definatly a psychedelic.
Obviously, this is not the effect of one single alkaloid..but I bet 5meoNMT in isolation would be a very interesting tryptamine to work with.
Extracts from grass harvested at the same location at different times of the year varried from short lived, very light DMT like visuals and tryptamine headspace..to nothing but restless stimulation..
Im gunna work with this grass more over the next year once the growth season starts up again and I will have the ability to do some TLC work with it..just need to track down a few more chemicals for the TLC..5meoNMT is going to be my focus for this wild strain though and it would be cool to see some tests done on wild arundinacea from other areas around the world to see if this tryptamine shows up there as well..and then we can figure out how to isolate the stuff.
Long live the unwoke.