Hi everyone,
First I want to apologize for my bad expression : english is not my native language and so, I'm very exposed to spelling and grammar mistakes. It doesn't mean I'm a child or an irresponsable guy, just a non-english one. Probably all my sentences would not ever make sense, but I will try to do my best.
Since few months, I regularly read a post about salvia administration ; and today, while I'm near the absorption, I would have a precision from the author. That how I arrive here. Howerver, I often fell on other post during some researchs.
So, I don't know well how to prove that i'm a mature guy, especially with my child spelling. Worse, I'm a bit paranoid (probably because of MJ smoke) and I dont want to write too recognizable things about myself. But I you need a kind of CV, please only record that I'm a student in ethnology with a masters degree. I say that because it looks much more mature than if I said i used to pratice enema...
Concerning my experiences, I didn't try many products : cannabis, salvia, shrooms and few opiates. I am rational person (as it's understood in ours modern western societies) and so, I personally don't much believe to surnatural or metaphysic explanations of trips. However, I don't say psychedelics are purely recreationals : I think they are some powerful tools to bring light on ours own psychology. As ours dreams, we can analysis the trips ; but to my mind, it could have only a personal signification, not explains external things ; to be more clear, I use entheogens as a kind of psychologist. Here for drugs' perception.
Well, here it's a short description of my psychoatives' interest. I hope I don't look too imature and wish I shortly could exchange on topics (but to be honest I will no be a very active member...) . Maybe see you.