I was talking to my Dad one day about gravity, and I have a question for those who know a lot about physics.
If there was a pane of glass that was 1 x 1 light years across, and a planet with significant gravity magically popped into existence next to the pane, would it break or bend?
to extrapolate, what I am wondering is if gravity is physical force, or the literal warping of space time?
This question is totally out of curiosity
oh and another thing I want to know, is if the moons gravity has an effect on air pressure, as well as water pressure. Like, is there a tide to our atmosphere?
If you haven't guessed I smoke a lot of pot and love physics. I posed the former question to an astronomer at the space museum in LA (forgot what its called) and he couldn't tell me, because no one had researched it yet.
So what are your thoughts?
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