I can get it to vape w/ out touching the flame to it. I read about the oxidizing, but I wasn't convinced I wouldn't oxidize it during the vaping process and I figured having a layer of oxides on it could help limit the oxidation that happens while vaping. They due appear to flake off, but the dust falls very quickly and I doubt it would get sucked up by my gentle tokes. Might try acetone cleaned mesh ball though. see how it goes.
I already have some changa made that way. I was just looking for a way to get more consistent doses. I don't want to break through but want a way to get moderate doses w/out break through worries. Change might actually work well enough but the stuff I made was NMT/spice mix and its very unpredictable. When its not giving visuals it takes a bigger dose to get to the super weird head space that is also fun. So, mainly just wished I made spice/weed changa instead of converting to spice-acetate. The changa I'm trying to make from the acetate looks alright though. Evaped most the vinegar off in the toaster oven at 200F. Gonna get the rest out via hairdryer.
She's real. She's got red lips.