Hi Alex, how you are doing now? It has been a few years have passed since you posted about your experience with Salvia. I will pray that you continue to make progress. I wanted to share my experiences with you to help guide, and inspire you.
My first experience with Salvia was when I was a teen. I was at my friends house when he handed me a small pipe full of 10x S.D.. I had no idea how powerful this drug was and without a blink inhaled the chemicals. A blues record serenaded me as I took a few deep drags. I remember feeling nothing for about a minute. The first thing I noticed was the unique taste. The taste brought to me a memory of being a child again. I felt something shifting, subtly at first, and then the room rotated 90' clockwise and I could feel something pushing inside my head. The music triggered a strange feeling and I lost my identity.
When I came out the other end I felt like I had spent an eternity trapped inside of my mind. The movie Inception reminds me of the feeling I had at the time. My memories came back to me in fragments. Once entering eternity i never felt the same. I did not want to talk, or move, or breath. I wanted to live no longer. I wished to return to the place I had become intertwined with. I wanted to slide back into the trance.
A few days later I began feeling hopeless. I entered a dark period of my life which subsisted for 5 years. Many tragedies befell me, and I consumed many drugs before my spirit reawakened and I began seeking the Lord. From what you have explained thus far, you are also in a dark period, trying to claw your way out. All the psychoanalysis won't make the demons any less real. The fact that you have seen their true forms is a testament.
From what I have gathered you are undergoing a trial. Your soul is buried beneath a metaphysical mountain, which appears unfathomable to conquer. The prescription drugs only make life more tolerable, they will not release you from your situation. This is where you lose something in hope of discovering something greater. You must lose your sanity in hope of truly possessing it. When you come out the other end you will have found your purpose. You will be strengthened into the man that you are destined to become.
Don't ever lose hope. Believe that the Lord can do anything and you will be saved.
God bless,