The summer of 2010 was when I really had my third eye stretched opened, and I kept it open, for quite some time;
it all began when I started reading about mystical and paranormal things as a child, big foot, alien abductions, strange creatures or lost civilizations such as Atlantis, these things fascinated me, ghosts, demons, anything strange or wierd I was magnetized too.
So you could imagine my excitement when I was in 12 or 13 and had read about aboriginal people eating plants and going to different dimensions, meeting with spirits and contacting entities, essentially what was the foundation of Shamanism...
I read about these plants and people constantly, I read the ins and outs of pharmacology, the effects on the brain-mind system, how these things affected the states of consiousness and how, if at all, harmful they actually were to an individual's body.
Very quickly I realized our society was an ego-dominated society, was only interested in perpetuating its own agenda and keeping the minds of the citizens at an all-time low, distracting them from the aspects of reality with petty objects and values that didn't get them anywhere near the "meaning" or "purpose" of life.
I had smoked cannabis for a few years, and most often than not it was always a very intense experience for me, even whilst smoking constantly in the summer of 2007 to the winter of 2008, and at the beginning of march 2008 I sucummbed to a panic attack, so terrifying that it left me beriffed of any will to smoke cannabis for a while.
I went to drinking for a while, and ended up in my own little fantasy world, just on auto-pilot, meaninglessly drifting through life and really just not thinking about things at all, I was asleep, I'd say.
Then in the spring of 2009 I had an experience with some cannabis tea, which knocked me out of the water and brought me right back to the forefront of the mind and it's capabilities, and how it really all did begin with me, how fragile consiousness and reality really was, and upon closing my eyes I was introduced to hyperspace, the inside world that so few people have ever seen in the human experience.
I then started smoking cannabis again, and right then and there got back into the reading, listening, and the watching of the information from the minds of the people who have their noses right up this alley, I'm sure you can name a few.
Roll around to February 2010, I had 4.5 grams of psilocybin mushrooms, and I finally had enough to get into this dark ocean of mind.
I ate most of them, excluding a stem or two, and ended up wandering around my little, segregated town of 400 looking up at the stars, staring into the trees, seeing life flow and breathe throughout everything we had ever laid eyes on, I was amazed at how it at always been here, but yet somehow hidden, secluded, as if it was the universe's inside joke to human beings.
I ran into a group of people I went to school with, and sometime throughout the course of our conversation I remember one of them saying "Your pupils are HUGE!"
And right then and there I got it, the mushroom-alien connection, dialated pupils were the equivilent to our modern day flying saucer dilemna, thousands of years ago in the mushroom frenzied states pupils dialate, and here the extra-terrestrial nature of reality births itself in the mind, and this is what the UFO really was to the modern day civilization, a message from "the other" to try to get us to reach back to archaic states of mind, to step back from culture and back into the felt moment of immediate experience. The mushroom really did come from outer space, it was an extra-terrestrial fungi, that linked the universe together in some tightly-knit connection of mind. The pharmacology and stature of the mushroom/molecule/spore allow one to speculate very intelligently that this thing may be in fact an alien artifact.
The end of May 2010, I was at my cousin's house, I had an ounce and a half of mushrooms, and that evening I went home, and again seen life breathe and shine her essence down upon my open mind, and I had this sense that the brain played a game of frequencies, much like a radio, we tune our minds to different areas of thought and awareness, and mushrooms opened our minds up to a cosmic frequency, so to speak.
The next day I was sitting on just under 2 and a half ounces of mushrooms..
..The next 6 weeks were a learning experience, both inside my mind and outside in the world, Terence Mckenna was a big influence in how I related to the psychedelic experience, and still is.
5 grams, 8 grams, 10 grams, even 12 grams and closing my eyes for a night, opening my mind to new doorways, learning about the mind, space and time, the universe, and how it's all truly linked together, that if we could only overcome our culture and its naive belief systems about reality, we truly could connect with everything and everyone there is not just here, but out there, it's all just as real and happening as right here, right now, and the unfortunate part is we have marginalized our experience, our minds are so powerful we have ourselves convinced we are worthless.
The mushrooms told me the history of life on the planet, the history of human beings, they actually spoke to me, I imparted some type of very personal relationship to these things, and I knew that you had to be very clever, and very witty to understand what was going on with mushrooms, I began to call this essence "life."
Somewhere before July 2010, I had an experience with Salvia Divinorum, that completely blew my head off, and I was absolutely not prepared for.
I had inhaled a half a gram of extract, and I don't even remember the exhalation, I was transported to a world that I now come to believe was the spiritual realm's observatory of human beings, so to speak, I seen some sort of humanoid-fairy-goth-angel peering down into one of thousands of these post-type structures, about 4 feet high, and the tops of them glowed some type of irridescent magical colour, and I took these as transmitters of our consiousness, these things received the information our minds pick up and sending them back to this place.
I then silently fell back from this scenario, into a veil of darkness very similar to the one you see when you close your eyelids, except everybody I had ever known or seen in my human experience was there, screaming and yelling, except they were covered by this veil of darkness, and this scene slowly disappeared, into this conveyor, which would carry a ball to the top, and the ball would fall, and then roll back to the bottom of the conveyor and start all over, and I took this conveying of this ball to be the cycle of life, "Things build themselves up, to fall back down" the mushroom once said to me.
A couple weeks after that, I found myself with some LSD, and had a few heavy experiences with that, opening up my mind to the era of the 1960s and finding out what it really was all about, having a realization that Disney is life's way of spreading the far-out, magical, mystical and fantasy into the minds of children all accross the planet in an innocent way, so the society does not lose their minds at the sight of elves, dwarves, fairies and talking animals communicating with their children.
It's all a way for life to get into the mind of people, and slowly bring them to realize the reality of reality, and what it is really all about.
My psychedelic use toppled off after August 2010, I had a heartbreak which really shook me up, and to this day it still does, because I was convinced (and still am, for that matter) that life, this essence of thought and being that I discovered on my journy, was going to bring this girl and I together, my heart sings a song for her that no lyric can complete, no tone could compete, and no composer could meet... This girl is truly one of a kind in my eyes..
I sort of lost faith in the psychedelic game and all that I really learned about it, I went all of 2011 just half assing smoking pot, mildly tripping here and there, and I seemed to have lost most of my connection with everything come 2012, and now here I am;
2013, and I'm sitting on 48 grams of mushrooms... Thinking that the call of the wild is here, and it's time for me to pick up the phone.
Living beside the mystery.