DMT-Nexus member
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Can you smoke Syrian Rue seeds? And if you do, do they still behave like an MAOI? Obviously a MAOI as strong as Rue can be dangerous, and I was wondering if I should take the same precautions. I've got maybe 1 oz (28 g) of seeds I could use. I would be interested in trying them, possibly with some cannabis. Is this a waste of Rue? "There are many paths up the same mountain."
 प्रत्येक बुद्ध
Posts: 54 Joined: 09-Dec-2012 Last visit: 11-Jun-2013 Location: Belly Of The Beast
These will help answer your question. smoke syrian rue seeds?smoking rue or cappi leaf while on mushies?Will smoked Rue cause MAOI?Nathanial.Dread wrote:Obviously a MAOI as strong as Rue can be dangerous, and I was wondering if I should take the same precautions. Its not as dangerous as you might think.[Nãh•Mãs Ny•See•Gom] - Curiosity didn't kill the cat. Familiarity did. Samsara
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 2151 Joined: 23-Nov-2012 Last visit: 07-Mar-2017
Thanks for the links, they're really helpful. I couldn't find anything about specific dosages (1 gram, 2 grams, etc.) or what the subjective effects would be. Any visuals, distortions, or just a mental change? "There are many paths up the same mountain."
 प्रत्येक बुद्ध
Posts: 54 Joined: 09-Dec-2012 Last visit: 11-Jun-2013 Location: Belly Of The Beast
I usually just sprinkle some on the top of some MJ, but if you are looking for something stronger I'd say start by smoking a half of a gram (crushed) and give it a couple minutes. I don't think that the ALL the harmala alkaloids are broken down by heat, though some are converted to others. I don't know exactly which will survive: probably harmine, as I believe that's the most stable one, being more simple with fewer groups that can break off compared to harmaline and tetrahydroharmaline, amongst others. It should make for a very nice subtle dose. In my personal use it has a calm, positive, uplifting spirit. The visual distortions and just a mental changes come into effect when you use in synergy with other entheogens. [Nãh•Mãs Ny•See•Gom] - Curiosity didn't kill the cat. Familiarity did. Samsara
 DMT-Nexus member
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How is the synergy between cannabis and the rue? "There are many paths up the same mountain."
 प्रत्येक बुद्ध
Posts: 54 Joined: 09-Dec-2012 Last visit: 11-Jun-2013 Location: Belly Of The Beast
I find that they play quite nicely on each other. Its hard to say specifically what it will do because: 1. Everyone has their own reaction. Start small and take time to get to know how it effects you, then move up from there. 2. It depends on what you are using it for (environment/setting/mindset). Of course if you are in a mediative mindset you will understand subtle changes much more then if you using it for recreation. 3. It heavily depends on the kind of MJ you are using. If you know the Sativa/Idica content then you will have a better understanding of how you are going to feel. IMO the harmalas "turn up the volume" so to speak, by taking whatever you are feeling and amplifying it. [Nãh•Mãs Ny•See•Gom] - Curiosity didn't kill the cat. Familiarity did. Samsara

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I love mixing cannabis with oral harmalas. Smoked rue is a bit rough. I wouldn't bother smoking it personally Taking an oral dose of harmalas/rue or caapi that is psychedelic on its own, and then smoking cannabis in meditation once it hits is really a unique and remarkable experience "Obviously a MAOI as strong as Rue can be dangerous, and I was wondering if I should take the same precautions. " What do you mean? There not physically dangerous unless your on SSRI's or stimulants or something
<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 2151 Joined: 23-Nov-2012 Last visit: 07-Mar-2017
universecannon wrote: "Obviously a MAOI as strong as Rue can be dangerous, and I was wondering if I should take the same precautions. "
What do you mean? There not physically dangerous unless your on SSRI's or stimulants or something
Just going off the research I've done, oral MAOIs can be dangerous, I know one person in my life who had to be hospitalized because they were messing with some MAOIs (pharmaceuticals) and ate the wrong things. I may just be a little paranoid because of that. I think I'll give smoking them crushed a try, and then depending on how it goes, move up to a tea. "There are many paths up the same mountain."
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 682 Joined: 30-Dec-2012 Last visit: 16-Jun-2024 Location: The Twilight Zone
I've smoked rue a couple of times. It goes great with cannabis, as others have said. I also smoked rue with a microdose of mescaline and it complimented the effects very well--the synergy between the two was perfect. The experience was mild but I found myself in a very uplifted, creative state that felt somewhat lucid. I could visualize things in my head clearly, and my thought process was very free-flowing and "pristine". I'd say from my experience it's definitely worth looking into if you haven't tried it yet. "Consciousness grows in spirals." --George L. Jackson If you can just get your mind together, then come across to me. We'll hold hands and then we'll watch the sunrise from the bottom of the sea... But first, are you experienced?
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 3207 Joined: 19-Jul-2011 Last visit: 02-Jan-2023
Nathanial.Dread wrote:Just going off the research I've done, oral MAOIs can be dangerous, I know one person in my life who had to be hospitalized because they were messing with some MAOIs (pharmaceuticals) and ate the wrong things. it probably was not a reversible-MAO (as harmalas are). also harmalas focus more on MAO-A and less on MAO-B (MAO-B are more responsible for food interactions). they are also knows as RIMAs (Reversible Inhibitor of Monoamineoxidase - A) Quote:RIMAs are displaced from MAO-A in the presence of tyramine,[1] rather than inhibiting its breakdown in the liver as general MAOIs do. Additionally, MAO-B remains free and continues to metabolize tyramine in the stomach, although this is less significant than the liver action. Thus, RIMAs are unlikely to elicit tyramine-mediated hypertensive crisis, and a special diet does not need to be so strictly adhered to, although eating excessively large amounts of tyramine-containing foods is still not advisable. While safer than general MAOIs, RIMAs still have highly dangerous and sometimes fatal interactions with many common drugs; in particular, they can cause serotonin syndrome or hypertensive crisis when combined with almost any antidepressant or stimulant, common migraine medications, certain herbs, or even most cold medicines (including decongestants, antihistamines, and cough syrup).[citation needed] My wind instrument is the bong CHANGA IN THE BONGA! 樹
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 48 Joined: 06-Nov-2012 Last visit: 16-Jun-2021
I almost always smoke a few big bowls of syrian rue seeds before a DMT trip.
I find that WITHOUT smoked rue, the DMT visions are very "thin" and produced by "laser-like" holographic energies, and it can be difficult to bring myself to look directly into the face of an entity. The experience is usually no longer than 10 minutes.
Whereas WITH several bowls of smoked rue seeds, the DMT visions are much "creamier" and vibrantly colored, cartoon-like, and I can look directly into the face of the entities I encounter. There is also a much more "physical" component to the DMT trip when I smoke rue beforehand, and it feels like the DMT is able to "penetrate" further into my being. Overall, the experience is much more healing and I find I'm able to integrate the experience into my normal consciousness much more easily when I include rue. Also the experience can easily last 15 minutes or longer, depending on my desire or capability to meditate.
Before I got my GVG, my typical method of launching was to put a few globs of crude un-recrystallized jungle spice wax on a bowl of rue and torch it with a large bong. I could usually break through in 1 big lungfull that way.
Now that I have my GVG, I make changa by infusing crude jungle wax into Salvia leaves. I smoke 3-5 bowls of syrian rue seeds in my bong, then load the GVG with Salvia changa and vaporize. Usually 1 nice hit on the GVG will allow me to break through.
 प्रत्येक बुद्ध
Posts: 54 Joined: 09-Dec-2012 Last visit: 11-Jun-2013 Location: Belly Of The Beast
jungleDNBplz wrote:Now that I have my GVG, I make changa by infusing crude jungle wax into Salvia leaves. I smoke 3-5 bowls of syrian rue seeds in my bong, then load the GVG with Salvia changa and vaporize. Usually 1 nice hit on the GVG will allow me to break through. Thats good to know. I was wondering if Salvia could be used as an effective changa since DMT requires low heat and salvia high heat. [Nãh•Mãs Ny•See•Gom] - Curiosity didn't kill the cat. Familiarity did. Samsara
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 552 Joined: 08-May-2012 Last visit: 01-Nov-2024
I just put mine straight in a pipe by themselves and smoke, always works for me! Meditate before you venture, take it seriously, use it as medicinal—it is good psychotherapy if needed. Realize that you, the Earth, others, and the Universe are all one and the same process. Then take that knowledge back to become, as you already are, one with nature. Eternity in every moment. Divinity in every particle. All is one organism.
 DMT-Nexus member
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NamahsNaicigam wrote:Thats good to know. I was wondering if Salvia could be used as an effective changa since DMT requires low heat and salvia high heat. It definitely can! I've found that Salvia doesn't need as high heat as some might lead you to believe. It's more about vaporizing the material properly, much like DMT.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 2151 Joined: 23-Nov-2012 Last visit: 07-Mar-2017
VTSeeker48 wrote:I've smoked rue a couple of times. It goes great with cannabis, as others have said. I also smoked rue with a microdose of mescaline and it complimented the effects very well--the synergy between the two was perfect. The experience was mild but I found myself in a very uplifted, creative state that felt somewhat lucid. I could visualize things in my head clearly, and my thought process was very free-flowing and "pristine". I'd say from my experience it's definitely worth looking into if you haven't tried it yet. Can I ask how much rue you generally use? "There are many paths up the same mountain."
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 124 Joined: 07-Dec-2012 Last visit: 30-Dec-2014
The other day I ground up some rue with an amount of chaliponga in a mortar, put it in a waterpipe and smoked a few bowls, holding the smoke in as long as possible. I felt compelled to close my eyes and had some very faint, but definite, CEV's (for about a minute) At first I had sex on my mind, this started bothering me, and I said the word 'diamond' aloud on a whim, and the nature of the CEV's changed into something a little more transcendent  ,a geometric block-pattern I was flying past at high speed. As I said, these were very faint, darkbrown, reddish visuals. From the amount I had been smoking (+/- 1 gram of rue, half a gram of chaliponga) I can hardly believe this was more than just a placebo effect, but these visuals were really there.