that makes sense to me. it may be true that juiced raw buds are even more effective in this regard. it certainly sounds like a divine ichor to me. however apparently many people have cured terminal cancers & other diseases with heated, psychoactive oil. hash oil will do the trick !
& i still think calling the effects of THC 'psycho-toxic' is really unsophisticated. of course people who just don't have the constitution for being stoned should have curative options. but there is also the mindset of those who want to engineer a non-psychoactive form of ibogaine to cure addiction. it misses the point.
genetically modified cannabis is already a reality...
maybe i get defensive around this subject as Big Mama G is a primary ally of mine & i find it obnoxious how these so-called cannabis experts dismiss her effect on consciousness.
nonetheless thanks for the article, it's thought provoking & i would only hope to encourage discussion on the subject