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Alex Grey art interpretation Options
#1 Posted : 12/30/2012 6:25:15 AM

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Hello Nexus!

So i was sitting at home sort of bored and I was looking at artwork i have saved by Alex Grey (i'm sure most of you are familiar with him/his work whether you know him as the artist or not)

And i stumbled upon my favorite piece by him, titled Ocean Of Love Bliss.

(i hope it embeds)

Anywho, the way i have interpreted this artwork was, Our bodies, our physical bodies as a whole, are nothing but sacks of meat, organs, flesh, and bone. With no depiction of our emotions, but something in our minds, or even something deeper, something that connects us with emotions, gives us feelings and emotion, and i think in this artwork Alex Grey is trying to show just that. That bodies, physical appearance, is all an illusion to our mind and to our naked eye. That our spirituality, our psyche, is what connects us truly, it depicts the difference between love, and lust.

Just how i interpret this piece, it's my favorite piece because this artwork reminds me so much of me and my girlfriend, and it just fills my emotions with overbearingly feelings of love, i absolutely love this artwork.

Any thoughts on my interpretation, any other interpretations on this artwork or any thoughts at all would be appreciated!

Much Love.
Aren't we all microscopic in perspective?

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#2 Posted : 12/30/2012 6:37:52 AM

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I gotta say I think that's actually a pretty good interpretation. I think you may be onto something Thumbs up
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#3 Posted : 12/30/2012 1:36:45 PM

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Alex definitely sees the human body as being a complex energy system, born of divine intent, rather than just a physical conglomeration of plumbing and sinew. His paintings are meant to convey the higher form or purpose behind the physical form, conveying it as a thing of energy, purpose, potential. Or as Yoda would say: luminous beings are we, not this crude matter.

I've known Alex since 1999- was painting with him onstage in Miami when he started the piece that you posted here... And the topic of the higher reality behind our physical bodies is one of his favorites to talk about.
#4 Posted : 12/30/2012 3:00:30 PM

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I'm sure he would love to hear your interpretation:
Alex Grey, Facebook

You can also review it on the cosm website, I'm sure they would love your input there as well:
Ocean of Bliss on COSM's Website, Post Review
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#5 Posted : 12/30/2012 3:46:08 PM

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Guyomech wrote:
Alex definitely sees the human body as being a complex energy system, born of divine intent, rather than just a physical conglomeration of plumbing and sinew. His paintings are meant to convey the higher form or purpose behind the physical form, conveying it as a thing of energy, purpose, potential. Or as Yoda would say: luminous beings are we, not this crude matter.

I've known Alex since 1999- was painting with him onstage in Miami when he started the piece that you posted here... And the topic of the higher reality behind our physical bodies is one of his favorites to talk about.

Thank you everyone!

But Guyomech, wow what an honor it must of been to work with Alex, I'm assuming you're an extraordinary artist as well, do you have a website or somewhere where i can view some of your work?
Aren't we all microscopic in perspective?

GroundSound is a fictional character and does not have anything to do with anybody in real life, any events or actions he states is pure fiction.
#6 Posted : 12/30/2012 4:19:54 PM
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GroundSound wrote:
Guyomech wrote:
Alex definitely sees the human body as being a complex energy system, born of divine intent, rather than just a physical conglomeration of plumbing and sinew. His paintings are meant to convey the higher form or purpose behind the physical form, conveying it as a thing of energy, purpose, potential. Or as Yoda would say: luminous beings are we, not this crude matter.

I've known Alex since 1999- was painting with him onstage in Miami when he started the piece that you posted here... And the topic of the higher reality behind our physical bodies is one of his favorites to talk about.

Thank you everyone!

But Guyomech, wow what an honor it must of been to work with Alex, I'm assuming you're an extraordinary artist as well, do you have a website or somewhere where i can view some of your work?

look in the new art section bro, Guyo is pro!
#7 Posted : 12/30/2012 4:26:13 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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He has a website too, its linked somewhere in the art thread.
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