G wrote:Parshvik Chintan wrote:G wrote:Paranoia, Self Destroya
i don't think considering the possibility that all the monitoring and information gathered could be admissible in court in the future would be "paranoid". it seems pretty reasonable to me... unless you have something to suggest otherwise?
ntwhtyouknw wrote:Say what you will, a certain level of paranoia is healthy
ntwhtyouknw, i love that statement.
Parsh, I am suggesting that one be more discrete with their
illegal activities if they are afraid of their Smart TV or DVR recording
their actions. My other suggestion is to lay off the drugs for a bit.
The technology was described as being able to detect ambient actions.
Meaning, the camera would detect certain body positions, motions, sounds
which log certain behaviors to give relevant advertisements.
As ridiculous as this may be, I don't think it
these devices would be used to procure evidence, even with a warrant.
This idea borders on NWO-tier conspiracy,
as laughable as the Dark Nexus Illuminati joke being taken seriously.
I won't live my life in fear.
No conspiracy theory here. Nor do I appreciate the implication that I'm "on drugs". I didn't intend to suggest that the device would be used to record illegal activities, only that monitoring would be convenient if your activities triggered some attention in some other way.
Anyway, I agree that no one should be losing sleep over it. But seeing how often people are willing to give up their privacy, then how shocked they are when they're pinched, can be frustrating. The real issue for me isn't the technology, but people who would use it without weighing the implications first. If they still want a Google DVR, then by all means. But at least be informed about it first, you know? It applies to nearly anything.
The above post is purely fictitious. It in no way represents the views or actions of any persons, living or dead, and should be regarded with as much validity as newspaper horoscopes, fortune cookies, morning talk shows, or stock futures.
My cat is very interested in acquiring living P. viridis leaves and S. divinorum cuttings on the Eastern side of the Pond. Other cats are welcome to PM with suggestions!