So my most recent DMT experiences (today) have led to an understanding that I must follow.
I've dosed 3 times today and have come to the conclusion (well not really a conclusion as much as a beginning) that I have a very personal transition that I am to partake in. My journey along my path is a personal one, and I believe yours is too, and I need to be able to focus as much attention inward as possible.
My first dose today can be read about here -
I just fought a negative (entity?) and they helped me winThis first experience today had a lot of unimportant details in it that I believe were just simply "the only way they know how to interact". At first anyways. i think that as time goes by and I have more interaction with DMT I am learning how to navigate and communicate easier without the outside noise of the world having such a strong impact on my experience.
A clear mind is what I wish to achieve while going in. Like as if the entity that is communicating with me is doing so utilizing my experience here in a way of showing me things so I can understand. I feel that I shouldnt focus so much on the details, because they are just static noise. The more clear mind I can have the more clear the communication will be, I believe.
I havent found god, i dont believe I am a prophet or a god or anything like that. My goal is to dose as it calls to me, like i have been doing, and go with the flow and try an remember what I am being told/taught.
i think the whole memory thing is important. If you could remember every single detail of every trip then you would misinterpret the true message. I am temporarily going to withdraw from posting here or sharing my experience much with anyone. I believe I need to keep it to myself and not put so much though into it as things will become more clear if I am not imposing my own ideals and outside interference's onto my experiences.
I know that every time you come to some sort of conclusion as far as DMT goes its futile and that will just be replaced by a different one, but this is different. Like I said not so much a conclusion, but an understanding as to how I personally need to be using this tool to grow and learn from it properly.
One thing I think is true that I just learned, that much like a Buddha will devote his time to meditate and seperate himself from the outside world, that this is how DMT is suppose to be used, or that this is its main function.
I might reply to your comments I might not. But I wont be posting anything else on this forum until my official return. I love you guys and I will keep an open mind to everything and not allow myself to come to any absolutions.
I couldnt have done this without the Nexus.Thank you all and Thank you trav.
"Energy flows where attention goes"
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