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El Ka Bong
#1 Posted : 8/15/2007 6:31:52 PM

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Hi everyone ... Have we all heard about the Dark Matter Telescope, already....? http://www.dmtelescope.org/dark_home.shtml And read here ! ... all the way to the the last two sentences ... ! http://www.dmtelescope.org/Tour/mass3dim.shtml It's online for 2012... not built yet ... We used to NOT believe the world was round ... until we had travelled enough... We used to think the sun went around the earth, and some handy devices helped us though that one.... telescopes, clocks ... and such... so now ... ! or soon I should say ... we'll have a new device to help humble the sheep out of us humans. A new machine to measure the predictions of string theory even ! Imagine Hyperspace Science ..!> ... But what about the wet-ware we have already, to access and appreciate the totality of Being..? Will a big honking machine help to wake 'everybody' up to the fact that we sleepwalk in this 3+1 reality of time and space..? I hope So !(... but recall the movie "Contact" ..!) And so imagine futuristically with a DMT telescope, people and 'science' get so advanced, that people all grow up being taught about how to discover the little spot to diddle with rituals, that is in our brains, that will induce Beingasms at will..? (that reminds me ... remember the 'Orgasmatron' on Barbarella ...? ) Peace Love and Hyperspace Ahoy !

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#2 Posted : 8/15/2007 7:48:37 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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I love astronomists and scientists of all kind, i really do. But i somehow find it laughable that these persons spend so much time looking through a big sky microscope for clues about the universe. Looking up to the heavens is great. It's pretty cool to know that the earth is round. But where i dont get it, is the general idea that science will ultimatley give us the final meaning of everything one day. I dont think it will. Our society seem to put aside every phenomenon that we cant mesure with a ruler. You know, even if we can measure stuff, it's not telling us the full picture of it. Doctors can open a brain, measure almort everyting, and yet, we dont -scientificaly- know what happyness or hate is. It's great that we can measure serotonin and everything. But i dont think it will ever lead us to explain -scientificaly- what a human emotion is. The funny thing is that we all know what happyness is. When i hear someone says something like '' we ( that means modern scientific paradigm) dont really knows what dreams are '' i am shocked. This is not true. Humans have dreams for thousands of years, and we dont know what it is?! Of course we know! It's not because we can put them ( the dreams ) in a scientific very precise scale that we cant ''know'' what it is. That's just ridiculous. The same goes for the psychedelic experience i guess. That's why when people tell me stuff like '' dude, you are experiencing entities, hyperspace and all because there is a molecule that bounds itself to your serotonin receptors'' . My answer is : '' of course ''. I dont get how they can invalidate the experience this way. If i tell to someone grieving about the death of a familly member something like '' dude, you are only sad because of a chemical reaction in your brain'', i dont think that anybody would agree. And there is something bizarre about this whole scientific community. I'v done some science in college. It's weird, you got a whole lot a people, typically some really smart and nice persons, but usually, they havent been ''outside'' alot. In the sense that they pretty are ignorant of anything going on outside the university's walls. Lots of them has never even smoked marijuana. They have not been around the block. That's crazy that the worst kind of drop out, stoned, womaniser and heavy metal enthousiast ( that means me i guess ) gets to know some cutting edge truths with psychedelics, and that the lab people dont even remotly know about it. I guess they dont care, if we cant put a medical knife on it, then it's not real. It's like the music sections of university. They really are in their own world. To be a orchestral compositor, you need to be recognised by the scholar establishment. You have to compose a very specific type of unknow modern music. And these musical people almost completly disregard anything else. And they attend each others concerts. But you go outside of this circle, and there is a big rock show in an arena. There is something i dont get here. Albert Einstein said : '' science is only an extension of common tought ''. Or something along these lines. I guess that the microscope addicted folks out there should spend a little less time studying the dark matter or whatever in the sky and began to explore life. The truth is out there or so they say.
El Ka Bong
#3 Posted : 8/16/2007 4:56:17 AM

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That's what I mean about the movie Contact - if you recall the most hard-nosed scientist (Jodie Foster) had a 'Hypersapce' episode, induced by a huge machine, but in the end 'nothing' appeared to happen in physical reality... She had to base her faith about extra-dimensional travel, on the experience alone, nothing to do with the technology and machines. I'm just musing aloud, science geeking.... assuming that science is just one manifestation of our psyche . .. But ... the telescope and the microscope were catalytic inventions - I'm hoping for another, one that breaks our collective psyche wide open, comes soon... it's a little overdue. Maybe all you need is just 50 mg dmt, a bong and your wet-ware... Or really all you need is a bunch of drummers playing down a long tunnel where the echos make a beat-frequency of 2 - 4 Hz - some one at the end of the tunnel trances out in the dark ... (saw it on a documentary..) But back to science ... Quantum Mechanics (early 1900's) gave us everything from nuclear-medicine to nuclear bombs. String theory (of today) ought to push another technological 'era' onto us, and I have a hunch the Dark Matter Telescope will have to do with this advance in human awareness, something that the 'masses' will have to learn as common knowledge about our place in the Universe.
magic clown
#4 Posted : 9/16/2007 2:14:14 PM

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#5 Posted : 9/17/2007 5:05:57 PM
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