Dr_Sister,Where you are standing (figuratively, not so much literally) is at the precipice of a blooming level of conscious-awareness, that mystically-inclined seekers of spiritual reality, search for a whole lifetime. And how few of them achieve the results you have encountered on these two journeys!
It is both a Sacred gift and an indication that you have approached that difficult point in a human beings unfolding, whereby you are seeing the very source of all manifest being. I believe that we are all, essentially, beings created and sustained by this blinding white light. Eventfully, I am convinced that we all return wholly into this realm of light consciousness.
But despite the whiteness we perceive, it has nearly indescribably transparent characteristics, a clarity of effulgence which can be called nothing short of
clear... hence the the Tibetan Buddhist descriptive,
Clear Light of The Void. When perceived subjectively, it appears to radiate a blissful field of interconnection, one in which oneself is absorbed into it and dissolved within it's overwhelming oscillating vortex.
An energy that to my way of understanding things, most resembles
love. Yet, it is a unique force of love, one that is perhaps best viewed through traditional religious cognition, as such a plane of awareness is considered Divine ecstasy or as an interphase, Sacred Union. Is there any ecstasy we humanoids can encounter more blissful? I feel that as long as we choose hold onto our individuality and familiar self parameters, the bliss is subjective and feels higher than the highest high. More euphoric than anything we can imagine or anticipate!
And sure, it is arguably one of the most terrifying transitions a person can make... surrendering to ego death and willing shift into immersion within said great light. It is quite common to fear such a degree of self dissolution, that one may actually die. Not just metaphorically, there is a significant amplification and a resultant shift in one's dreamscape of our own personal self... and the nature of reality at large. So powerful that a palpable fear organically arises to challenge our determined focus of concentration and centered clarity of our exploratory intentions.
This simply means you are paying attention and I feel it's an indication that you are going to encounter this white light again and again (and again). There is no sidestepping such a state of mind, as the only path around the intensity of the Sacred Fire is through (and beyond the membrane which keeps an individual from becoming too far gone from the familiarity of Egoself). This creates the panic that we may never return to the familiar. Self is perpetually blossoming phenomenon, so it really is not something to be too overly concerned with. We exist because we choose to exist. Sacred Medicines facilitate such intense and epic impressions.
I believe that many of us know from repeated experience, that we all come down from such peak experiences and no... we do not ever actually die materially, as the chemical stimulation eventually passes, leaving us to ground ourselves out and integrate the grand eclipsing. But if I could say anything meaningful or useful for your journey (blah, blah, blah ad infinitum), I would wholeheartedly say that when you next directly perceive of this almost indescribably brilliance of light, do so boldly, joyfully and fearlessly!
Not that words mean diddly-squat when you are being vibrated into billions of light particles/waves, by a force which seems by it's very nature to erase any existential separation from it's Omniscience (for it is like a vacuum and a source of profound Gnosis). And this must somehow, all balance within our minds, as our ordinary mentality is being ripped away at an alarming speed! We all are hardwired to pass thorough this energy portal and leave the darkness and terror behind us. An unpleasant illusion to dispel, surely, and learn to transcend fully...
"Let there be light." I am curiously fond of intentionally immersing my consciousness into it's mind-bogglingly, limitless radiance! I have come to believe that it is who you/I/we are... in our deepest core of being. The Advaitan Vedantists of ancient India referred to this aspect of a person's existential identity as Atman. Our direct interconnection with the Godhead. Tat Tvam Asi. Thou art That.
And I would venture to guess you are already well familiar with the term? Forgive me if I am seemingly getting all preachy or whatever kind of conceptual bullshit that people like myself enthusiastically express, whenever they theorize and/or hypothesize about the meaning of such profound spiritual experiences. But even so, most of us in the West have come equate Atman with the human Soul. Atman is divided into Jivatman and Paramatman.
Egoself and Omniself. Physical self and wholly spiritual self, yet, they are one and the same, with different parameters and central fulcrums of reflection and identification.
So, I wont babble on-and-on about Yogic names or labels, when you a relating about your direct merging within the brilliance of the Grid of Universal Effulgence, the Eternal Flame. But I do applaud your admirable courage and wish you a joyous awakening within the often times, overwhelming power of the Light. Back in the 1970s and 1980s, I had the same initiation with large doses of remarkably clean LSD-25. One of my friends used to call me a "white light junkie." Guilty as charged.
I find this same great illumination from mescaline and psilocybin. But DMT seems to be the most intense Sacred Medicine to ignite this mind-shattering luminosity, before one's en-witnessing. Such effulgent epiphanies have launched a journey through meditation which has captivated me for nearly 40 years. Practicing awareness of the present moment is part and parcel to perceiving this Light of all lights. It is ideally seen as a 24/7 process, which is an ironic statement, admittedly... as the Inner Light is existent outside of the ramifications of the
time-space-continuum. It exist inside of us and we inside of it. But there is but one moment and it is now.
I have never had the honor of experiencing 5Meo-DMT but from what fellow travelers have said, it is a skyrocket into the Clear Light of The Void. And I am curious what you mean by
"cocktail"? A mixture of psychedelics? Which admixture? The monkey in me want s to know, as it is most intriguing to have such details.
Also, what are you hearing as this light grows stronger and stronger within the perceptual field of your mind's eye and ear? Can you share what sounds you received in conjunction with your white light experiences? I mean before the great silence and stillness which the Light is so linked with. Can you share some particulars? Please elucidate further, Sister.
There is no self to which I cling, for I am one with everything.