Here the real issue..and some will not like it, as always but I am entitled to my own experiences and this is mine.
The majority of christians I have met in my life have been extremely dogmatic and another(smaller but not insignificant) portion of those people have shown themselves to be closet bigots, racists etc and just perpetuate ideas that are the foundation of the Roman Catholic church that fueled it's war on any and every opposition.
Now, all my other arguements have been based around the faults of the Establishment of the catholic church and the pope and the wars they carried out..not on christian people as individuals.
I dont beleive that the teachings of Christ were wrong. I have nothing to dispute with those who follow a christian path that is not linked to the establishment of the Catholic Church or a few of the other manifestations of the christian church in the mainstream.
I do have a right to feel at odds with those who support the Catholic Chruch though..just as I do with those who support any other established party who have risen to power due to genocide and dominance.
This should NEVER..and I mean NEVER be used as a silly straw man arguement to make someone out to be predjudice against true christian peoples. This is what often happens though..
I can't help that my experience with 3 different churches in the past..the pentacost, catholic and protestant(I think, it was long ago) all left me somewhat discusted with the whole thing. My experience with all of them was an environment rich with fear, moral suppremecy, hippocracy, extremely dogmatic dissmissal of certain questions I had(like why dinosaurs did not exist, where god came from etc, why evolution is fake) and a sort of vibe of inner acceptance based on who will accept beliefs blindly without asking any more questions.
I was told at about 10 years old by a priest strait up that I was going to go to hell if I did not start attending church weekly and publicly claim to accept jesus into my heart becasue "the word" of God says so.
2 of these churches I attended weekly for a period of time longer than 12 months I was definatly there long enough to figure out what was going on.
This is just how it is. I cant pretend I dont feel this way or hold my tounge becasue others dont like what I experienced. This is just my reality.
I watched my best friend for the first 18 years of my life(literally since I was 1 year old) laugh in my face with our new church friends after a year of brainwashing for my belief in the process of evolution, the existance of dinosaurs and the possability that life exists outside of just earth.
I spent 2 weeks at a pentacost chuch camp once. All I can say is that my opinion now of what goes on in those places comes close to child abuse.
This is not about rebelling against my family either. Neither one of my parents are christian nor did they attend church in my life more than maybe once a year with my aunt and grandmother..and my grandmother is one of the purest christians I know and no longer wants to be associated with the church.
Basically any affiliations I have had with various churches was of my own doing. I was brought into those circles by other friends through youth groups etc.
The last time I ever stepped into a church was when I was about 19..nearly 10 years ago now. After I watched my best friend basically become a brainwashed dummy who really cared more about this elitist mocking of people for being able to think instead of trying to cultivate the love he claimed jesus had to offer I had to really sit down and rethink the whole situation. The whole time I just became more and more skeptical of these people. I was never christian anyway..I never "believed". There was nothing of substance in any of the churches I attended to believe in. It was all just twisted ideas and strange programming essentially cultivating a cult like circle of extremely narrow minded, judgemental people.
I went on a weeklong trip to oregon with that church when I was 18 and ended up one night around a campfire being attcked for be belief that god can be found within every person. The idea that god is not some seperate judgemental diety that you have to please in order to be saved just really bothers some of these people.
So I left and never went back to any church. I cut off contact with these people. I began to avoid people who called themselves "christian" in general becasue at least 95% of the time that meant affiliation with one of the various church denominations and seemed pushy about their ideas and generally believed they were somehow better. This has continued to be the majority of my experience with people who claim to be "christain" to this day. They dont seem to exhibit this same love that they preach about.
I knew an ex-priest 3 years ago as well for a brief time through another friend. This guy was a devout christian(or at least still believed in god and teaching of jesus) but he seemed to have grown a great distain for the church community and so left the priesthood. i dunno how long he was a priest the guy was like 40-45 years old. His eventual outlook on the whole thing just mirrored my own basically.
At the same time I had one youth group leader when I was 16 that radiated in full the type of love that most "christians" speak of yet fail to ever exemplify. She is what I imagine a true picture of a christian to be..I always knew she was a bit of a free person or a hippy..only later I found out she regularily attended drum circles on the beach as well and had a house full of cannabis plants..incidentally that chuch group was one of the first places I ever smoked cannabis. Still, outside of that youth group that this one women ran that church itself was made up of just as much weird dogmatism as any other I encountered. I am not even sure she runs that group any longer..I think I heard they took that privilege away from her.
So..when people come back to say "most of them are good people!"..all I can really relate to that is so? What do you mean by "good people"? I can say that of many people who believe all kinds of weird things. I dont think being brainwashed into cultish dogmatism makes people into "bad" people. It just is what it is.
Just becasue people are not "bad people" does not mean that the ideaologies they buy into are not destructive. I really do feel bad for people that indoctrinated into some of these ways of thinking from birth. They have a hard time thinking for themselves later on, and often if they do start to ask real questions they are rediculed and rejected by their family on some level and left parcially isolated. It causes a lot of damage. I know. I live with someone who was raised by a mother who was a Catholic school teacher and sunday school teacher, who was an extremely abusive religious nutcase who would try to preferom exorcisms on her 13 year old daughter for talking about astral projection. Nothing about this is okay. I cant respect peoples belief systems when this is the result.
I am not attcking christianity..and certainly not the teaching of Christ. Many other religious institutions have these same problems..but I do not have direct experience with other faiths to the same I do not comment on that in these discussions.
My whole point is this(to stay on topic-I had to get all that out so people understand where I am comming from).. These people in my mind are not christian. They do not follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. They follow the teachings of some seriousily disturbed people and thats it.
I think it is likely Jesus was a gnostic..most people I think dont even know what a gnostic is. The sort of love that is spoken of by people of Jesus is what I just dont see. I see hippocracy.
There are people out there who are true followers of a path of love and compassion for others and are true christians, and I have met them and they have my upmost respect. For me though, these people are a very very small minority of those who use the term "christian".
For the people I am speaking of that I have met..I dont even think they care about the word that is just a term. Did jesus go around calling himself a Christian? No. What matters in your heart is what matters. Not what church you go to, who you publically give your heart to, what you do on sunday morning or what book you read when you go to sleep.
Im sorry if my own disillusionment with the established order of mainstream "christian" churches bothers people..but it is based on my own direct experiences. I just base it on what I have observed. What I observe is a lack of love, respect, acceptance and open mindedness. It is not what I observe in people who seem to grasp a deeper meaning of what it was all origionally about. Those are the ones who should be listened to and not many of the preachers who only preach fear.
Long live the unwoke.