I would never say I'm an experienced tripper, I've done LSD 3 times
2c-b twice & 2c-I once
I have always had amazing trips, although I think that's
More due to preparation than anything. I've seen some amazing
Thing & have taken time to appreciate the things I've seen.
The problem is I'm always worried that my next trip will
Be the trip that destroys me. I've seen glimpses of not so
Nice thing while I've been tripping, but I've always been following
A path & so I have never been pulled into the darker side
It may sound odd & I don't know if any one else has ever
Experienced "evil on the sidelines" I guess I could put it, but it makes
Me very apprehensive, I always go into a trip with the utmost respect
For the substance I'm using.
I don't know if I will get rid of this fear, or is it best I keep it
There just to make sure I never lose that respect?
If this makes no sense I absolutely apologise aha, but it definitely made sense
To me