Hi! I just recently found this forum and I'm excited to digest all the information here.
I had my first illuminating experience on mushrooms back in 1994, when I was in high school. Belive it or not, until it happened, I didn't even know there was such a thing! Having shed my strictly materialist upbringing, I spent several years going a far as I could with right brain pursuits. I followed cues from the classic psychadelic scene, read the Robert A Wilson/Peter J Carrol/Aleister Crowley types, and continued experimenting with chemognosis, sometimes successfully as entheogens and sometimes devolving into just plain addiction.
These days I have a much more balanced approach, which equates to many irons in the fire, including family, career, yoga, and meditation. I tend to work from the framework that chemicals can open doors, and non-chemical means can keep them open (without the high price of constant use). Basically, I'm not too interested in beliefs and dogmas- I'm into discovering what works when that's stripped away.
I've know about DMT for some 20 years now, but have never run across it as yet. My appreciation for entheogens as tools has grown, and I think the time is right.
I'm looking forward to getting familiar with everyone, and hope we can keep spiraling out together.