Okay, I think your skepticism may have paid off. It would seem that the problem with the double slit experiment concerning electron movement and behavior is indeed the observation device. But not in the sense that you are describing and only if Shan Gao is correct. Shan Gao is a scientist who has brought some really strong evidence to light that jeopardizes the orthodox interpretation of the double slit results. He has suggested that the problem with the experiment is that
motion is not correctly understood. This whole thing confused the fuck out me and I had to spend all evening reading to even start to understand a little bit. perhaps a new thread on the nature of motion is in order. I don't think the new interpretation of the double slit experiment nullifies the holographic theory, but it may tweak it a little. The supporters of the new interpretation stress that our world is indeed an inseparable whole, just as the holographic theory does.
The orthodox interpretation of the double slit experiment relies on continuous motion. Physics has widely accepted continuous motion as the only kind of motion. Shan Gao believes this is wrong. In order to understand the new interpretation of the double slit experiment, you need to know what discontinuous, random motion is. Here is a link where he explains discontinuous motion and his supporting arguments.
Next he explains that the universe is an inseparable whole in the form of time division. What ever that means. I need to read some more. here is that paper.
http://www.quantummotion.org/ is the homepage. Just so you know I'm not %100 convinced. His theory isn't very widely accepted and it seems really vague to me (although I haven't come up with any specific arguments) so next I'm going to look up some evidence against his theory.