Amanita Muscaria; Fly Agaric
LocationAmanitas are usually found near birch and spruce trees, but can also be located around beech trees as well. From my own experience, they don't necessarily always grow directly under trees, but often also a short distance away from the tree. The reason amanita muscaria grows around these types of trees, is because they have a symbiosis with each other, where they exchange nutrients that benefit both the tree and the mushroom. Another tip when trying to locate these mushrooms is to find places with green grass. I have yet to find one that didn't grow on green grass. Whereas I've been in forests that had bare soil with leaves on the ground, and in said forest we didn't find a single amanita muscaria. So from my experience, don't waste your time looking in forests without fresh grass.
When you spot a single amanita, look around for others nearby, because you can often be lucky to find a lot more right next to it.
CollectingWhen you're collecting the mushrooms, make sure to have some sort of bag with you (An ordinary plastic bag will suffice). The mushrooms crumble easily and they can be very delicate, so be careful when handling them. Depending on the method you want to consume the mushrooms, you should choose how much of the stem that you can be bothered taking with you. If you are looking to eat the mushrooms, I would advice you to try get as much of the stem with you, because the active chemicals are found throughout the whole mushroom. If you on the other hand prefer to smoke the mushroom, you don't need the stem, and can suffice with only collecting the caps.
ChemicalsAmanita Muscaria contains 2 primary chemicals. Muscimol and ibotenic acid.
Muscimol is the active ingredient in the mushroom and is for the most part the chemical that people look for when collecting these mushrooms.
Ibotenic Acid on the other hand is a neurotoxin. The red variety of amanita muscaria are less likely to cause help problems than its white and brown cousins. So it's a bad idea to play around with the other varieties of this mushroom. As a rule of thumb, you need to eat about 15 raw amanita muscaria caps before the dose becomes life threatening.
The good thing about ibotenic acid is that it converts into muscimol when reaching certain tempratures or dried out, but I will talk about this later.
Drying (Eating method)When you get home with the mushrooms, you have different choices to make depending on the method of consumption.
If you want to eat the mushrooms, you need to find some newspapers or a cloth. You will then proceed to place the mushrooms on either of those.
You can also choose to chop the shrooms into smaller pieces, which increases the drying process.
Place the mushrooms in a dark and dry area, and especially not in direct sunlight.
To increase the drying even further, you can have a fan blow on the mushrooms for as long as possible.
The process can very well take a few weeks.
Another method that is a lot faster is to place the mushrooms in the oven at 65-75 degrees celcius, until completely dried out.
Drying (Smoking method)The smoking method requires you to peel off all the red skin along with the orange goo underneath using a knife. It can be a little difficult at first, but if you cut the cap in halves or quarters, it becomes easier. You may also find it easier to simply carve out the gills, which leaves the skin intact.
Once you've seperated the skin from the gills, you can proceed to find a pan.
Place the skin on the pan, with the red color facing upwards and the orange goo downwards.
As with the oven method, you need to turn up the heat to about 65-75 degrees celcius. Now you can really just leave it there to finish up for you, but you should check up on them every now and then for safety reasons. Once you do check to them, you may notice that some of the pieces have gotten an air bubble. Simply take a fork or something similar to push it down, so that the middle also gets dried out, and not only the sides.
Consumption (Eating method)Once your mushrooms have either dried out naturally or in the oven, you can go ahead and eat them safely.
You can also have a bit more fun and make various edibles containing the mushrooms, just make sure the temperature required to make the edibles does not exceed 75 degrees celcius.
You can also make tea out of the mushrooms if that is what you prefer.
Consumption (Smoking method)Once the mushroom skin has dried off completely, you can go ahead and grind it up. Proceed to roll it up in a normal cone as you would with any other joint containing weed instead. You may want to add some tobacco, weed or some other herb that makes it a little easier to light up your mushroom joint. But you can also smoke pure mushroom material, if you want to.
EffectsThe effects you get from amanita muscaria can vary a lot. Some people experience similarities with being very very drunk. Others simply fall asleep and report that they see everything in new ways when they wake back up. I've even heard of people that had deep spiritual experiences on these mushrooms. And I have read of reports where people get an immense amount of energy and euphoria, along with a need to keep running.
The experiences are very different to each other, which just makes these mushrooms even more exciting, as you never know exactly what you may end up with.
But I will suggest that you read more on erowid that many bad experiences where people get really sick and stuff, is often caused by the ibotenic acid that they either didn't cook or dry out of the mushrooms. But if you follow the steps I have provided, the ibotenic acid will be converted to muscimol, and there should be no health risks.
Word of AdviceYou can never read enough about whatever drug you are planning to consume, and you shouldn't stick with this guide only, to help you through your amanita muscaria journey.
Good luck with the mushies.
Skeptical scrutiny is the means, in both science and religion, by which deep thoughts can be winnowed from deep nonsense.
Carl Sagan