some one wrote:What i meant to say/ask was indeed: Was i able to break through naturally (if i went through with it) because of my DMT experience? Through which i either learned which path to take /what the possibilities are. And/or because it created a neurological network (pathway) - or strengthend it, similar to mdma and lsd flashbacks.
To answer your question from my experience - I had this happen about 5 times before I had tried DMT. My brother also a couple of times. One of them was a quick breakthrough which ended with me freaking myself out. Once I tried DMT not so long after I felt the massive connection between ithe two and started to seek this path of doing it naturally as well as the occasional spice. Infact I give majority of my DMT away as gifts. I then read some books, conqored my fears, started the path of destroying my ego and took on the traits of my idol Warrior-Sage.
some one wrote:WarriorSage: I can't believe what i'm reading. That's awesome! Unfortunately i can count on one hand the amount of lucid dreams i had in my live. But what you mention definitely motivates me to start practicing. Interesting how similar our experience is. I heard a very clear voice, singing. Escalating DMT-like sensations. Freaky sound /vibration. The light. Being sucked in. Amazing.. Thanks for giving comfort in knowing it's not just me. How many times have you managed to break through this way? And how long does it usually feel it lasts? Which separation technique are you talking about?
Thanks for sharing
Unfortunatly lucid dreaming takes practice and patience but will become natural over time. Thank god for technology assisting us in our day to day troubles- am yet to try this lucid dream mask, but will update you with how it goes within a few weeks!
I would say that the voice is coming from the light as assistance to give you comfort and the courage to let go and make it through. Most people are turned away by there first experience with this intense feeling and want nothing to do with it BUT its only the beginning! Take the light as a blessing and seek it. Dream, believe, achieve!
I often had similar experiences when I started out. As well as being violently jerked through, which I quickly jumped litrally in the air to end it because I was not in the state of mind to exploring this sesation. I was then violently pulled back in while I was awake only a couple of seconds later but managed to fight the sensation and stop it. This was before I had even reached the breakthrough stage and was not quite ready.
The waves/vibration as well as sound can sometimes come in slow euphoric pulses, or can come on quite rapid. Then theres the intense sensation that feels like a group of people are trying to rip you through as quick as possible.
I've had around 15-20 breakthrough using this technique(via lucid dreaming) in the last 3 months. I've been a bit slack lately though hehe. My shortest has been about 15 seconds and my longest which was roughly 5-7 hours. I prefer to use a WILD(Wake-Induced-Lucid-Dream) which is basically when you meditate prior, then induce a trance state(complete silent mind as well as losing yourself in the darkness or flowing towards the darkness) which will result into some trippy or confusing images/videos, followed by a lucid dream which you then take control of. I prefer this because you are in the right state of mind because you have just been doing some meditation.
Otherwise you can induce them during your sleep in a lucid dream, or it will induce itself over time. I don't like this method because it catches me off guard and also dreams prior could infulence your state of mind/memory. You can also try a seperation technique which is basically, visualising your exit. I have tried to break through before using this technique but accidently woke my self up feeling quite tingly aswell as some left over ringing in my ear hehe. But it does work indeed from my experience.
You can try visualing a ladder and climbing up it, floating through the ground/air, visualing your self sitting up, climbing a rope. You must wait 5-15 seconds after the peak or maybe longer to give your self more chance aswell as using concentrated pure thoughts. Using these techniques I found I usually end up in my 'tinted' room, which is quite trippy because everything is so sharp and clean. Its quite a weird feeling as you watch your vehicle fast asleep
. Completely letting go will also get you through but maybe onto a direct path elsewhere. You will get the hang of it!
Seek that voice & light as it should guide you. Also remember your state of mind and thoughts will influence, attract and create what you are experiencing. Make sure you maintain a calm, positive/neutral(silent) mindset aswell as sending out plently of love vibes. Keep me updated buddy! Sorry if this does not make sense at times, I was in quite of a rush
The Warrior’s Prayer
"I am what I am. In having faith in the beauty within me I develop trust. In softness I have strength. In silence I walk with the gods. In peace I understand myself and the world. In conflict I walk away. In detachment I am free. In respecting all living things I respect myself. In dedication I honour the courage within me.
In eternity I have compassion for the nature of all things. In love I unconditionally accept the evolution of others. In freedom I have power.
In my individuality I express the God-Force within me. In service I give of what I have become.
I am what I am: Eternal, immortal, universal, and infinite. And so be it"