Hi everyone.
Has anyone watched any of the "Juicy living tour"? Hosted by Lilou Mace.
I watch these videos while cleaning or getting ready for work.
They cover anything from NDE, Law of attraction, consciousness, quantum physics, The shift, UFOs and Aliens. The list goes on and on.
She has interviewed some interesting people such as Amit Goswami, Dr.Emoto, Dranvalo, Dr. Wayne Dyer. And many more.
It might be a little to "new age" for some, but I resonate with a lot of it and find that it has a positive message, plus they are filled with all kinds of infomation.
Juicy living tour
who's minding the store?- Ram Dass
Mz.Gypzy is a fictional character. I have a very active imagination. I like to make things up, to entertain myself and others on the internet. I do not use, or condone the use of illegal substances. Everything I write here on the Nexus is for pure entrainment purposes only.