Coming down from a potent salvia journey I documented my very own country to shape... Here was what I thought was to be most suitable for people of my 'land' I am sharing this because I think it might help you to get a better idea of who I am and what I believe in.
People in this country will be allowed to sell and buy legal products at prices they feel suitable, which will be taxed. Government taking away products that consumers demand will not be allowed, it only causes black market trade and sales, and can be very dangerous. ie; prohibition, fluorescent light bulbs. Our country will not subsidize businesses as it only causes increased prices for products and services and corrupt incentives.
Source of income for our country will be from fair taxation and natural resources such as gold, silver, oil and aoxcmyst (made that one up but its VERY valuable and only MY country has it-LOL) Fines and fees for criminals will go toward paying for the services needed because of the crime only.
Taxation will begin at poverty level, then and a flat tax of 10% after that. There will be ZERO tax loop holes. Criminals will be required to help better society while incarcerated and there will be 0% death/estate tax.
Culture and Values:
Our country will be a libertarian country consisting of a melting pot of all cultures. Anyone can become a citizen as long as they take a class to know our history, respect and understand our constitution, what you do does not infringe upon others rights or safety and remain law abiding. It is a free country (including marriage). Our countries laws will help to shape our citizens values.
Public assistance and welfare:
There will be absolutely NO abortion funding or public/medical assistance for abortion from our government!
Great incentives to help people off the welfare and cash assistance system will be provided. We will temporarily help those in need, as long as they comply and are providing proof of how the money provided to them is being used. To qualify for food assistance, citizens will be required to take 3 one hour courses each year that they are on assistance- the course will cover how the money is to be spent and will also teach about proper nutrition; the money will not be allowed to be used for junk foods, candy, pop or any other items that aren't nutritious- purchased items will be reviewed regularly. There will be set time limits for welfare and assistance based on individual needs. Getting support from the system will be worked for in every case by going to the courses and 60 hours of mandated volunteer work per year. Drug testing will not be required, however if it is found that the money/assistance is being used/abused for things other than what is allowed, the person will never be allowed government help again.
Laws and consequences:
Drug offenses
In our country being a drug addict will NOT be a criminal offense and will be treated as a health condition. The only way drug use will be criminally charged is if its use puts others in danger. Citizens have the right to do with their bodies as they please, as long as they are not harming others- including the unborn. Our countries court system will be similar to that of the U.S. where only an elected judge will determine the sentences; our judges will be ethical, highly educated and reviewed every 6 months to ensure their jobs. There will be no 'passing back allowed' (No recommendation of another person other than the judge as a determining factor in the sentencing conditions.) No 3rd party profit will be made off a crime or criminal, ie; if a person is sentenced to treatment, it will be not be in a privately run center, it will be a non-profit government run center with no open ended-ness, the person will know exactly how long, how to comply based on individual cases and how much it will cost up front in order to successfully complete the treatment.
Drug Trafficking
Bringing large amounts of drugs in from other countries into other countries is often a very organized crime that can and often does include sex & weapon trafficking; will be penalized very heftily. Large fines and lengthy prison stays for most cases. Small possession cases will not require seeing a judge, petty cases cost tax payers far too much money and ties up the court system, these cases will not be necessary for a judge. These situations will be handled with a fine based on the amount you are caught with and which type of drug it is - it will be the same fine for everyone.
Drug Manufacturing
In our country marijuana and alcohol will not be illegal for adult use. It will be taxed and regulated in order to keep control over its availability to children. People are allowed to grow marijuana, tobacco, and produce alcohol with a license for personal use, they will be regulated to ensure it is not getting into the hands of children; Manufacturing illegal drugs will result in a fine that will be determined by an elected judge for the first offense.
2nd time offenses will be a larger fine and possible jail time which will be determined by an elected judge. 3rd time offenses will be an even larger fine and mandated jail time. Jail time will be determined by an elected judge.
There needs to be probable cause to pull someone over in a motor vehicle, if the driver is obviously impaired they will be asked to take a field sobriety test, if the persons sobriety is still questionable a breathalyzer will be taken.
.10 is the legal limit for alcohol. Driving under the influence of marijuana will be tested with a field sobriety test as well, if the driver is impaired for recent use, a THC saliva test will be given.
1st offense- person will pay a fine – based on severity and to be determined by a judge, person will take an awareness class paid for by themselves.
2nd offense- person will have a FULL 90 day loss of driving privileges and retake driving class until passed. No jail time. Another class will be taken and paid for by themselves.
3rd offense- Large fine and 6 months in jail (fully stayed- no early release). Loss of license until (non-profit) treatment is completed- not required however you will not legally be permitted to drive until successful completion.
Burglaries (breaking in & possibly armed)
1st offense- Fined based on severity of the crime. An evaluation will be done to determine the value of the amount in dollars of item(s) stolen. 200% will be required to be paid back in FULL. 1 year (minimum & no early release) jail time- additional jail time will be determined by an elected judge.
2nd offense- Fined based on severity of the crime. An evaluation will be done to determine the value of the amount in dollars of item(s) stolen. 200% will be required to be paid back in FULL. 2 year (minimum & no early release) jail time- additional jail time will be determined by an elected judge.
3nd offense- Fined based on severity of the crime. An evaluation will be done to determine the value of the amount in dollars of item(s) stolen. 200% will be required to be paid back in FULL. 3 year (minimum & no early release) jail time- additional jail time will be determined by an elected judge.
Sex offenses
Voluntary adult prostitution in a licensed and controlled setting will treated as a business. Disease testing for every employee will be required on a regular basis. Once again, this is a free country and as long as what you do does not infringe upon others right and safety, you can do as you please with your body.
Rape- 5 years (minimum & no early release) jail time, additional jail time and hefty fines will be determined by an elected judge. A psychological evaluation will be required for the criminal and recommended for the victim. Repeat offenders will have increased jail time and increased fines each time. Failed payments will result in jail time.
Child p@rn- 1 year (minimum & no early release) jail time- additional jail time will be determined by an elected judge. A psychological evaluation will be required for the criminal and recommended for the victim.
Authorities will make information available to the public regarding ALL registered sex offenders.
Statutory Rape (Considering both parties age 14 or above are willing)
Age of consent it 14. No minimum jail time – possible jail time based on individual cases and determined by an elected judge. A psychological evaluation may be required.
Incest (Considering both parties are willing)
Citizens have the right to do with their bodies as they please, as long as they are not harming others- including the unborn. If you impregnate or become pregnant due to incest relationship, both parents will be subject to legal consequences. No minimum jail time –A psychological evaluation may be required for both parents and the child once it is born.
Harassment/Stalking- A psychological evaluation will be required- follow up determined by judge based on severity.
White Collar Crimes- (fraud, bribery, embezzlement, computer crimes, copyright infringement, identity theft)
1st 2nd and 3rd offense- Jail time and fines will be determined by an elected judge based on individual cases.
Crimes against people
Pre Meditated murder- Life prison sentence- no early release. This person will never have a chance to be a repeat offender. Prisoners are required to help better society with programs made for them (not for profit). Our country does not support the death penalty.
Unlawful killings without intent are considered manslaughter. A psychological evaluation will be required- follow up, jail time and fines will be determined by judge based on severity.
Justified or accidental killings are considered homicides. In many cases, killing a person who is attempting to kill another is classified as self-defense and thus, not murder. This will be determined by an elected judge. Depending on the circumstances, these may or may not be considered criminal offenses. Follow up, jail time and fines will be determined by judge based on severity.
Suicide is not considered murder in our country. Assisting a suicide, however, may be considered murder in some circumstances. The administration of lethal drugs by a doctor to a terminally ill patient, if the intention is solely to alleviate pain is not considered assisted murder in our country.
Capital punishment will never be ordered by our court of law as the result of a conviction in our country.
Assault- 1st offense 30 days (minimum & no early release) more additional jail time and fines based on individual cases and determined by an elected judge. A psychological evaluation may be required.
2nd offense 60 days (minimum & no early release) more additional jail time and fines based on individual cases and determined by an elected judge. A psychological evaluation may be required.
1st offense 90 days (minimum & no early release) more additional jail time and fines based on individual cases and determined by an elected judge. A psychological evaluation WILL be required.
Child Abuse (severe cases)
1st offense- Loss of contact with victim forever. 5 years (minimum & no early release) jail time, more additional jail time and fines based on individual cases and determined by an elected judge. A psychological evaluation will be required and recommended for the victim.
2nd offense- Loss of contact with any child (your own) forever. 5 years (minimum & no early release) jail time, more additional jail time and fines based on individual cases and determined by an elected judge. A psychological evaluation will be required and recommended for the victim.
3rd offense- Loss of contact with any child forever, not allowed in specified child friendly location etc. 10 years (minimum & no early release) jail time, additional jail time and fines based on individual cases and determined by an elected judge. A psychological evaluation will be required and recommended for the victim.
Less severe cases will be thoroughly evaluated; A psychological evaluation will be required and recommended for the victim. Jail time and fines based on individual cases and determined by an elected judge.
1st offense- 30 day (minimum & possible early release) additional jail time and fines based on individual cases and determined by an elected judge based severity of the crime.
2nd offense- 60 day (minimum & possible early release) additional jail time and fines based on individual cases and determined by an elected judge based severity of the crime.
3rd offense- 90 day (minimum & no early release) additional jail time and fines based on individual cases and determined by an elected judge based severity of the crime.
"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known."
~Carl Sagan