lobo wrote:Hi .. a friend of swim send this sample of a batch to test...
of what?
lobo wrote: what do you think?? They said that he used zippo lighter fluid to extract...
used lighter fluid to extract what from what? I dont know how you can expect anyone to answer if they dont even know what youre talking about. And even assuming youre referring to dmt, without knowing what they extracted from theres no way to even begin speculate on what they pulled.
However, Ive had year old dmt that I found in an old pyrex that had turned to dmt oxide that had a slightly brownish tint in some areas, but without any specifics I would hesitate to suggest that our two separate scenarios are similar in any way
**I just came back to add this edit. after looking at your picture it seems that you have some yellowish dmt with darker tan/brown spots in the denser areas. If you extracted it yourself and (eventhough you said you didnt I realize how some people are about self incrimination) are confident that none of the basified solution got into your solvent then i'd say its just a minor impurity and if its really that big of deal to you just do a re-x and if not go ahead and smoke it. But regardless of what I say you should still probably wait for one oof the big posters to come and assess your situation
Using recreational drugs, including psychedelics, does not give you character points, it's not a means of fighting the system, it doesnt make you a shaman, and unless you actually get out and see the world - it wont give you any deeper insights into it. Can psychedelics bring about these qualities in a person? Yes, But they need fertile ground. What does this mean? Never stop filling youre head and never stop fighting. Otherwise youre just another wasted mystic sitting on your couch getting high.
you dont know youre on a leash if you stand by the peg all day