It was my first experience 4 nights ago, and i, like you had read a lot of research. But i went into it with a totally open mind, just hoping to see some amazing patterns, if i was lucky a bit more. We had some Changa, and i really was not prepared for what i saw. Afterwards i thought " so the things i saw where they just figments of my brain over thinking after all that i have read? " but i really don't think it was. I have spent all day thinking about it, i have done a number of hallucinogenics before, but nothing ever like this, it was a totally different experience, which actually made me really emotional for reasons i cannot explain. So afterwards I had a little cry, not because i was sad, i was just overcome. It was so hard to explain to my boyfriend, and now i feel like it is time to share it on here.
The first hit i took just gave me the lovely shapes and colours in my brain, the amazing happy feeling.
The second hit, not letting the first wore off is when it happened.
I sat back on the sofa, closed my eyes and held my breath as it took over. I could feel it inside me, and then it began, literally straight away. On the left hand side of my vision, there was these beings, i don't know what they were, they had a thin body of a human, but no recognizable heads that i can remember. They were on a green type lawn and everything else was white. They started to walk towards me in a line, one behind the other. At no point did i feel scared at all, i was full of intrigue. As they walked towards me they were holding tablets. They were white with all these weird shapes on them, as if like a code, rainbow colours.
But the codes were moving up the tablet and curling over the back of it. Then the first "being" turned and walked away, and the second one walked up. Except with this one, the code came out of the tablet and flew towards my head. Then it felt like my brain took them in..
I definitely felt the feeling of being somewhere else, like i had traveled for the "viewing"
On the right hand side of my vision all these "codes" were flying around freely in the air, there was nothing behind them, just darkness, but they were beautiful rainbow colours
Me and my partner gave it a break for a couple of hours, just discussing what we had experienced, for him he had just experienced the amazing patterns in his mind. We had done the same amount, so we decided to have another go as i really wanted him to experience some of what i felt.
So this time we decided he would go first with a slightly bigger dose.
I went second, closed my eyes and straight away i went away. But this place was very different, but equally amazing as the last.
So i was in a room, like a cabin, in the middle of what i can only describe as a dna strand, and i was twirling. I could not see my body and again all the symbols were flying around my head. I twirled like i was dancing, the strand was attached to the bottom and the top of the room and i was inside it. I looked over and i was not on my own, in small rooms around me others were twirling and dancing, except they were definitely not humans, they were more like lights, and that's what i felt like, a piece of light. All our rooms were adjoined and we could all see each others strand. We were all dancing together. It was amazing. Totally spell binding.
Now i think this is where my body was telling me to give it a rest as i began to feel rather nautious. I ignored it, i kept twirling, but i couldn't hold it in, and had to release myself from my induced state and do what needed to be done.
So after that it was beginning to wear off and after my two totally amazing experiences, i enjoyed my visuals with my eyes open for a couple of minutes, whilst i tried to explain to my boyfriend what i had just seen.
I closed my eyes one last time, as i felt it wearing off and there in front of me in the darkness i could see my brain ???? There was a big light emitting from the top of it, that slowly got smaller and smaller as if it was going back into my brain. Then as it disappeared, darkness. I opened my eyes and everything was back to normal.
My boyfriend had nothing like this, he had an awesome time and enjoyed every second but he was definitely more patterned and shape based. At no point did he feel like he left the room.
Maybe it is all in my head, maybe it is all connected to what i have previously read, although i have never read any stories similar to that, although i have read some awesome ones. But whatever it was i am not scared of it or where i went or who i was with. And if this is a link and there is something higher out there that this links us to, then i don't feel like there is anything to worry about, all i felt was happiness and love.
All i read are good experiences. Like i said i came into this not knowing what to expect, but yeah it was definitely worth the wait x
4 days on and i am looking at everything slightly differently, i cant explain it, its like i have a slightly different slant on things, i have wondered for years about beings and now, i feel like we're not alone, so what happens now ?