I haven't had a chance to try any cacti (growing or eating
)but I am a year around grower, downscaling in the cold months so I can move indoors. My real love as far as growing goes is mushrooms(treasure coast,penis envy and b+ at the moment)
I'm a little jealous of your freezer stash Pandora, but just a hair haha. I plan on trying an A. Confusa extract at the earliest available date. Fingers crossed.
Enoon, I'm not exactly sure what you mean but as far as psycodelics are concerned I honestly believe that they saved my life. I used meth for years( old family tradition I suppose) and was only able to quit because of mushrooms. I had one of those life changing moments you read about except mine involved mushrooms
As far as dmt goes I simply love it, there is no other thing in the world that allows me to disconnect the way it does and once I'm done I always feel content and the future looks promising no matter the current situation. And I'll admit I like the way things tend to change meaning while I'm tripping.