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Q21Q21 tek - who's had experience with it? Options
#21 Posted : 11/15/2012 9:19:36 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Adding more lime is one way to dry it out, but you can let it naturally dry or gently heat until it's a dryer consistency. Do not let it become too dry or it will absorb even more solvent and not separate properly. The official, original Tek 2 guide actually states air drying/oven as the way to achieve the dry consistency, adding more Lime is more of an optional method I believe.

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#22 Posted : 11/15/2012 9:39:39 PM

me magic man! me gualapa!

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@ZeroFlight thank you, I'll make sure to dry it correctly.

Crazyhorse wrote:

I'd say evaporate your naptha after all your pulls are done (I believe this is mentioned in the tek.) The reason is you can get some jimjam and/or jungle spice out of it this way in addition to your fluffy spice. I ended up getting 3 grades of spice from my Q21Q21: white crystals, orange/brown crystals, and brown goo. All of them were active.

Also as I understand it, it's not much good to reuse the naptha unless it was a pretty small batch, because it gets saturated with alkaloids and fats etc. at a certain point and won't hold any more, so it's better to use fresh stuff each time.

Edit: oh, sorry I think I misread your question.. you want to know how to store it between pulls? A glass jar with a lid should be fine. But why are you re-xing between pulls? Collect all you can, then recrystalize it all at once.

no reason to apologize, thanks for answering in both ways. My newbie experience thought I'd be recrystallizing after each pull haha. I think I will recrystallize twice, because I was planning on my first launch this weekend and the future weekends I'll be busy. should I expect to get much jimjam/jungle spice when evaporating the naphtha/solvent out after recrystallizing? I will definitely be doing this.

Also, should I evaporate it outside? How long do you think 100 ml of naphtha (well, I'll have about 123 mL) will take to evaporate? I don't wanna take it in too early and end smoking naphtha since I'm new to all this.

so far everything's gone fine. I had to use quite a bit more vinegar than the initial 123 mL I used for my 123g of powder; I have no idea how much more, but I had to add about 15 minuscule pours of vinegar to get the right wet, red, clumpy consistency the tek called for when acidifying.

I tried putting it in the oven (set on WM, which just keeps whatever is in the oven warm) because I didn't want my roommate's gf (if she happens to come over later today) to see the process and think I'm sort of weird drug chemist, tho I don't think anybody could guess what I'm doing with brown mud in a jar. Smile
This failed to do anything after 2 hours... so I decided to up it to 200 F (93.3 C) and I opened the oven door just like you would when you broil something. This seemed to work far better because of all the air was able to escape, probably allowing the vinegar and other stuff to evaporate a lot better. It looks like it's gonna be 3.5 hours since I added the lime, so the oven didn't do much (if anything) when it was closed. I'm also just using a regular glass jar (a huge one) so I didn't want to heat it to 200 F while it was closed, which is why I had it on WM.
"There is no teacher, no pupil; there is no leader; there is no guru; there is no Master, no Saviour. You yourself are the teacher and the pupil; you are the Master; you are the guru; you are the leader; you are everything. And to understand is to transform what is." - Jiddu Krishnamurti

Open your mind! Those without a welcome mat for new ideas won't ever learn how to live their life to the fullest.

existentialism - the philosophical idea that your own experiences & thinking initially determine why we exist and subsequentley, how we can fulfill our existence (our life). /////// I believe most of us come to the conclusion that we exist to exist, that there is no other answer for life. What we all debate in our own minds is how we should go about fulfilling our lives.
#23 Posted : 11/23/2012 6:31:37 AM
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Hey, I'm quite new to the whole extraction process, and I had a question in regards to one of the processes.

This part:

"The first pull if done immediately after getting the lime-bark to one of the consistencies shouldould yield anywhere from 10%-35% (in my experience.) If the first pull is done after 6-8 hours however it will likely yield 25%-60%.
2 pulls done around 24 hours and 48 hours (or later) should be enough to get 80%-90% of the DMT (In my experience).
Pulls after that tend to be rather small but I highly recommend doing pulls at 1 week and another at 2 or 3 weeks to get all the DMT possible. "

I'm curious if by what is said means that after adding the lime, or after adding the naptha. I get the idea it means letting the naptha sit in it for the time it says, but I want to be sure before I begin this and get to that point. I'd rather not mess up a good batch.

Also to clarify, a pull is referring to the step of adding naptha or the lime? I guess that seems to be the slightly confusing part is to what they consider a pull. Again, I believe it is referring to a pull being when the naptha is added and allowed to set for the designated time, but I want to be sure.

Ok, well I have reread it a few times, and I think I figured it out. I let the lime sit in with the mhrb mix for the set amount of time to extract the dmt, then use the naptha to get it out and into the precipitation container to freeze off. Please correct me if I'm wrong, I'm quite confident that seems right though now. lol

thank you all.
#24 Posted : 11/23/2012 10:01:23 AM


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dabear1990 wrote:
Hey, I'm quite new to the whole extraction process, and I had a question in regards to one of the processes.

This part:

"The first pull if done immediately after getting the lime-bark to one of the consistencies shouldould yield anywhere from 10%-35% (in my experience.) If the first pull is done after 6-8 hours however it will likely yield 25%-60%.
2 pulls done around 24 hours and 48 hours (or later) should be enough to get 80%-90% of the DMT (In my experience).
Pulls after that tend to be rather small but I highly recommend doing pulls at 1 week and another at 2 or 3 weeks to get all the DMT possible. "

I'm curious if by what is said means that after adding the lime, or after adding the naptha. I get the idea it means letting the naptha sit in it for the time it says, but I want to be sure before I begin this and get to that point. I'd rather not mess up a good batch.

Also to clarify, a pull is referring to the step of adding naptha or the lime? I guess that seems to be the slightly confusing part is to what they consider a pull. Again, I believe it is referring to a pull being when the naptha is added and allowed to set for the designated time, but I want to be sure.

Ok, well I have reread it a few times, and I think I figured it out. I let the lime sit in with the mhrb mix for the set amount of time to extract the dmt, then use the naptha to get it out and into the precipitation container to freeze off. Please correct me if I'm wrong, I'm quite confident that seems right though now. lol

thank you all.
First one is in regards to adding the lime and mixing to correct consistency. leaving natpha in to long it will get absorbed by the mix.

Secondlying a pull is adding the natpha.
Black then white are all I see in my infancy.
Red and yellow then came to be,
reaching out to me, lets me see.
There is so much more and it beckons me to look though to these,
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#25 Posted : 11/24/2012 1:36:25 AM
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Ok, Well so what are they referring to when they mention doing a pull for 24 hours and again at 48. Does this mean leaving naphtha in it for this long? If this is the case, how does the naphtha not get fully absorbed?
#26 Posted : 11/24/2012 3:06:47 AM


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dabear1990 wrote:
Ok, Well so what are they referring to when they mention doing a pull for 24 hours and again at 48. Does this mean leaving naphtha in it for this long? If this is the case, how does the naphtha not get fully absorbed?

I believe what your referring to is that it says to do a pull 24 hrs later. meaning do a pull. wait 24 yours then do another pull.

Personally I prefer to do 3 or 4 pulls one after another. Don't find waiting helps to pull more at all.
Black then white are all I see in my infancy.
Red and yellow then came to be,
reaching out to me, lets me see.
There is so much more and it beckons me to look though to these,
infinite possibilities.
As below so above and beyond I imagine,
drawn outside the lines of reason.
Push the envelope. Watch it bend.
#27 Posted : 11/24/2012 8:49:15 PM

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ewok wrote:
Personally I prefer to do 3 or 4 pulls one after another. Don't find waiting helps to pull more at all.

That is exactly what I would do next time. No waiting just do it all in one day.
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We are all living in our own feces.
#28 Posted : 11/24/2012 10:44:21 PM

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I also wrote up some of my experiences about tools and consistency...


and thinking about it, I kind of didn't follow my own findings just lately, and regretted it. In case your consistency is to soupy to use a press, it's also ok to do many many pulls in an attempt to wash it out... Naphtha is easy to evap to get back at cloudy at room temperature concentration.
#29 Posted : 11/26/2012 6:22:11 AM
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Ah, sounds very interesting. Well I will give your tek-mods a try quetz. It sounds very effective to have yielded such a high amount. I am hoping that come Jan I'll get the chance to give these a try.
#30 Posted : 11/26/2012 7:03:55 AM

me magic man! me gualapa!

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quetzalcoatl42 wrote:
I also wrote up some of my experiences about tools and consistency...


and thinking about it, I kind of didn't follow my own findings just lately, and regretted it. In case your consistency is to soupy to use a press, it's also ok to do many many pulls in an attempt to wash it out... Naphtha is easy to evap to get back at cloudy at room temperature concentration.

Yeah, I think I'm going to skip doing a press. Without doing a press, would you 4 pulls is still just fine to get most all of the naphtha out or should I go for 5? I will be doing as many pulls as possible (I only have around 400-500 mL left of solvent, maybe less or more. With only about 100g left out of my 123g original mix [my roommate knocked my jar over on accident], I should be able to just barely do 3-5 pulls, depending on how suitable the consistency is.

Also, I posted on your thread asking about your differences/additions to the tek.
"There is no teacher, no pupil; there is no leader; there is no guru; there is no Master, no Saviour. You yourself are the teacher and the pupil; you are the Master; you are the guru; you are the leader; you are everything. And to understand is to transform what is." - Jiddu Krishnamurti

Open your mind! Those without a welcome mat for new ideas won't ever learn how to live their life to the fullest.

existentialism - the philosophical idea that your own experiences & thinking initially determine why we exist and subsequentley, how we can fulfill our existence (our life). /////// I believe most of us come to the conclusion that we exist to exist, that there is no other answer for life. What we all debate in our own minds is how we should go about fulfilling our lives.
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