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#21 Posted : 11/8/2012 5:03:58 PM

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Abrazaderas wrote:
Absolute Certainty is my goal, and there is nothing that can prevent my success. to know the exact, true nature of 'it' beyond any doubt is exactly what i intend and will. success and victory will be my proof. i don't desire to argue, convert, prove, or proselytize; my task is to assert, define, and schematize. that which has no beginning can have no end, it is true. Conclusion is the only result i accept from Question because a quest must begin and end. to Know... experience is the difference between knowledge and belief.

When I was much younger this was my goal as well with psychedelics. I was a devote atheist and consumed lots and lots of LSD. At some point I had an experience that shattered everything I thought I knew about... well... everything.

I spent a very long time pretty messed up from that experience. Extreme cognitive dissonance because I had no idea how to integrate what I saw.

I continued to experiment with psychedelics. Some LSD, quite a lot of Mushrooms. Still trying to understand and figure it all out. I guess on some level I still am.


The first time I smoked DMT I found the only answer that's helped with the cognitive dissonance set off by that LSD trip. To just let go and let things be what they are. The understanding that the more I explore the less certain I am and that there's actually peace in accepting that I don't know everything and that I may never know anything with absolute certainty.

In short, I was once like you and the only thing I've ever learned with Absolute Certainty is that I really know very little and that life is a lot nicer when I accept that that's okay.

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#22 Posted : 11/8/2012 5:55:19 PM

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Abrazaderas wrote:
Absolute Certainty is my goal, and there is nothing that can prevent my success. to know the exact, true nature of 'it' beyond any doubt is exactly what i intend and will. success and victory will be my proof. i don't desire to argue, convert, prove, or proselytize; my task is to assert, define, and schematize. that which has no beginning can have no end, it is true. Conclusion is the only result i accept from Question because a quest must begin and end. to Know... experience is the difference between knowledge and belief.

I want to be clear that this isn't a bash on abra thread, and by your posts it could easily turn into that. I would like to say this though.

I am interested in what your experience with psychadelics is, particularly DMT. Because your posts about absolution rings in my ears of many new nexus members that have posted just like you. Even I thought, in the beginning, that I would be able to solve some of the mysteries. I was right and wrong. The only answers that I have gotten that were certain, is about me and aspects of my personality. As far as that goes half of it was me doing all the work and already having an understanding of myself before hand. DMT only gave me a better point of view on things about me.

Your not going to come to any conclusions as to exactly what the experience is or from where it comes from. It could be inside your head, it could be another dimension, it could be both. There are endless possibilities and combinations of hat it could be. This is not an answer you will be given. Most likely you will Hve experiences that cause you to come to your own conclusions. Which are only your point of view. Many people have done this, many have come to conclusions about the questions they have. Some learn later on they were wrong, some don't and stick to their beliefs.

You really should just keep an open mind about it, and if anything... Your posts contradict my OP. my experience taught me that "I have no clue what anything is and any attempt at trying to understand is FUTILE"

We do not contain the ability to comprehend. It really is beyond our understanding.
Open your Mind (โ’ถ) Please read my DMT vaping guide (โ’ถ) Fear is the mind killer

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#23 Posted : 11/8/2012 6:13:59 PM

me magic man! me gualapa!

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@Abrazaderas I don't think that you're right or wrong. You have a right to your own opinion. One thing I need to say is that despite what you might think is true, this is simply your opinionated facts. You can call it truth and that's 100% fine! Just don't force your facts or opinions onto other people's minds. You can present them along with your evidence in why you think you are right, that's totally fine. I highly suggest you make your own thread so that you can have a positive, intellectual discussion about your ideas or possible "facts". You seem very "on it", you just need to learn to talk about your ideas with other people as a way of contemplating them with other people, not pushing them [your ideas] into other people's minds.

anrchy wrote:

You really should just keep an open mind about it, and if anything... Your posts contradict my OP. my experience taught me that "I have no clue what anything is and any attempt at trying to understand is FUTILE"

We do not contain the ability to comprehend. It really is beyond our understanding.

I agree. I believe what you've had to say is and what many people that do dmt do relates to existentialism, which is to me is basically the philosophical idea that your own experiences & thinking determine first, why we exist and after, how we can fulfill our lives. As you said, we don't know how to comprehend everything because it is beyond our understanding; I'm just adding that the only way we can know anything is thru trying to understanding our existence (ex: I believe we exist to exist) and there are ways of fullfilling our existence based on that (ex: I believe we should all treat each other nicely and never condone war, and at the same time should preserve this earth, while at the same time reaping the benefits of the comfort, ease, and ability to make our lives last longer through technology; the rest of technology and civilization is irrelevant to me). Ignore me if I've gone way too off base here with the discussion here with regards to my interests in existentialism.

@anrchy (disregard this if you are not anrchy) don't mean to hijack this thread, but I cannot PM you because I am a new member. Can you check out my Q21Q21 tek thread?
"There is no teacher, no pupil; there is no leader; there is no guru; there is no Master, no Saviour. You yourself are the teacher and the pupil; you are the Master; you are the guru; you are the leader; you are everything. And to understand is to transform what is." - Jiddu Krishnamurti

Open your mind! Those without a welcome mat for new ideas won't ever learn how to live their life to the fullest.

existentialism - the philosophical idea that your own experiences & thinking initially determine why we exist and subsequentley, how we can fulfill our existence (our life). /////// I believe most of us come to the conclusion that we exist to exist, that there is no other answer for life. What we all debate in our own minds is how we should go about fulfilling our lives.
The Traveler
#24 Posted : 11/8/2012 7:39:31 PM

"No, seriously"

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Abrazaderas wrote:
the entities have a great deal to gain by earning your trust and respect. they are not complete microcosms as you are. be cautious.

Abrazaderas wrote:
they exist solely through you. they are separate from 'you' only in that they represent fragmented portions of yourself; but if you allow them, they can become gods, demons, angels, or even begin to exhibit appearances of individuality - but make no mistake this can only be at your expense. many of these entities would love to be worshipped and revered in the same way throwing certain elements and substances into water creates a exothermic reaction.

wisdom is to call each thing by its proper name. the identification and testing of entities is crucial to the proper handling of the forces they embody, in astral journeys, lucid dreams, or hyperspace.

Abrazaderas wrote:
Absolute Certainty is my goal, and there is nothing that can prevent my success. to know the exact, true nature of 'it' beyond any doubt is exactly what i intend and will. success and victory will be my proof. i don't desire to argue, convert, prove, or proselytize; my task is to assert, define, and schematize. that which has no beginning can have no end, it is true. Conclusion is the only result i accept from Question because a quest must begin and end. to Know... experience is the difference between knowledge and belief.

Please check these two parts of the Attitude page (and while you at it, please read the rest as well):

No preaching

No confrontational attitude

Lately we got a few people over the floor who like to talk in absolutes, and to be honest I'm getting a bit tired of it. Either you stop bringing your ideas as fact or you're out, the choice is yours.

The DMT-Nexus is no place for these boring one sided monologues.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
Non Dua Natura
#25 Posted : 11/13/2012 12:12:04 AM

Namo Amitaba Buddha

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Abrazaderas wrote:
Absolute Certainty is my goal, and there is nothing that can prevent my success. to know the exact, true nature of 'it' beyond any doubt is exactly what i intend and will. success and victory will be my proof. i don't desire to argue, convert, prove, or proselytize; my task is to assert, define, and schematize. that which has no beginning can have no end, it is true. Conclusion is the only result i accept from Question because a quest must begin and end. to Know... experience is the difference between knowledge and belief.

You sound like me when I was 18...I thought I was going to write a book which proved how all religions were talking about the same thing, but saying it in different ways. I set out to find "Ultimate Truth", as I called it at the time and which I would suggest is the same as your concept of "Absolute Certainty", but your Path will lead you to an even more profound understanding: The true nature of 'it' is beyond concepts, 'it' cannot be said to exist in any way which would allow 'it' to be schematized; your schematics, your assertions, your definitions, none of them will be more than an idiosyncratic conceptual representation.

We all walk our own paths and no amount of well-meant advice will make a blind bit of difference, I know, but save yourself a shitload of hassle and drop any ideas that you're going to figure 'it' out.
When it blows, it stacks...
No Knowing
#26 Posted : 11/13/2012 1:19:43 AM

fool adept

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I think that realizing you're not going to "figure out" or "solve" reality is a large chasm to cross in any psychonauts journey. The mind, as a problem solving mechanism, treats even the mysterious territory of psychedelic journeys as a "quest for answers". Psychedelics give insight into how the mind words soo you believe they will give you the ultimate mental map of reality.

But, when one finds that reality can never be mapped "truthfully" one lets go of finding the "true nature" of it. This can be hard to bear and let your mind's seeking cease, but, I believe, it is definitely a necessary step in self-growth. And leads to, beginning to accept things as is without preconceived notions or a goal.

After leaping over this chasm, mental maps are still reliable, for sure, in order to aid your self in living life, but giving up the quest for the perfect truth or map of reality is actually a HUGE relief. And personally, it led me to a new level of thinking and experiencing. And has allowed me to entertain various different "truths" simultaneously or in different situations.

Pertinent quote

Enlightenment is finding that there is nothing to find.
In the province of the mind what one believes to be true, either is true or becomes true within certain limits. These limits are to be found experimentally and experientially. When so found these limits turn out to be further beliefs to be transcended. In the province of the mind there are no limits. However, in the province of the body there are definite limits not to be transcended.-J.C. Lilly
The Spice must flow
Zat was Zen and dis is Dao.
Non Dua Natura
#27 Posted : 11/13/2012 1:38:22 AM

Namo Amitaba Buddha

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After leaping over this chasm, mental maps are still reliable, for sure, in order to aid your self in living life, but giving up the quest for the perfect truth or map of reality is actually a HUGE relief. And personally, it led me to a new level of thinking and experiencing. And has allowed me to entertain various different "truths" simultaneously or in different situations.

Beautifully said, and spoken with a clarity that can only come from genuine experience beyond the Abyss.
When it blows, it stacks...
Digital Machine
#28 Posted : 11/13/2012 8:02:52 AM


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Well I hope I an not contradicting the Traveler here, but I am Absolutely Certain "That I Don't know anything Absolutely". Big grin

To the OP, I have very much relate to your experience thanks for sharing. My first breakthrough humbled the hell out of me. They said to me "you with all your science and religion don't know the first thing about anything!".

Many journeys have taught me to be more at ease and content with knowing that many things are possible and always having an open mind. (I used to be way more Rigid). I thank DMT for reshaping my mind from a Hard Block of Stone into more like a Soft Clay that can be molded into many different forms.

I would like call myself what David Eagleman calls a "Possibilian" David Eagleman on Possibilianism
โ€œAccessing your existence before the current one is of no concern, all you need to know is open your Heart and just BEโ€ - A loving Entity from a Breakthrough
โ€œTo question is good, but take delight in contentment as well, because always asking โ€œWHY?โ€ too much can create a feedback loop into madness.โ€ - A concern Entity from a Pharma voyage.
#29 Posted : 11/13/2012 10:31:02 PM

Got Naloxone?

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I believe I'm echoing anrchy and others here in stating if nothing else DMT use has taught me to always try to me as open-minded AND as skeptical as possible in dealing with perceptions, interactions, ideas, etc.

Uncle Knucles you gave me a deep laugh with your reply to absolute certainty.

anrchy your OP was great and clearly garnerned a lot of thought and at least one spinoff thread. I wish you happiness, wonder and discovery and yeah, don't give up learning new things. I suspect you may be in for all of the above and more.

M. Ghandi said, "Live like you will die tomorrow but learn like you will live forever." I really like that and hope you do too.
"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."
-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2

Hyperspace LOVES YOU
#30 Posted : 11/14/2012 2:39:56 PM

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^^ thts awesome pandora thanks. Haven't heard that quote before def resonates with my style of living.

I think one of my attachments to this reality is the fact that believe I have a pretty good understanding of how things work. I'm above average in intelligence (whatever that even really means) and I come to conclusions on the inner workings of things quickly, usually much quicker than others. Yet I don't have an ego about "being smarter than most". I actually dislike and disagree when people claim I'm so smart.

My experiences with DMT has helped me keep this egoless view on the importance of intelligence, mainly of myself. And by showing me that I really don't have a very good understanding of the inner workings of sh*t, I am able to grow and learn with out bias on myself. It feels good to know that there are a lot of things out there my little brain wouldn't be able to compute, without imploding.
Open your Mind (โ’ถ) Please read my DMT vaping guide (โ’ถ) Fear is the mind killer

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