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AUDIO effects Options
#1 Posted : 11/10/2012 9:22:14 PM
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Swim says:
"Hey all, new here so I don't know if this is the right place or what, it seems proper here.
I've been wondering what kind of words you've been using to describe the audio phenomena that occur on a spice voyage.
Mainly, I'd like to hear (lol) what you folks have experienced.

here's an example:

Twenty minutes ago, or so, I had a smoalk and started to hear a high pitched warbly noise, it came out of nowhere, almost as if it had always been there and I was just now paying enough attention to hear it, then it split into more and more noises going higher and lower from each "split", then I turned on some music: Coosada Blues by Nellie McKay is already a slow tune, but after a good smoalk, it's like molasses, the drums were all stretched out to a crawl, and when she started singing, each note seemed to last for entirely too long, the whole song had a sort of buzz about it, almost as if it were being played through a snare drum... kinda. It was really intense to realize forty five seconds in that it was a song I knew very well, as I normally recognize songs within two seconds or less for the most part... I also noticed some extra audio artifacts throughout (buzzy futuristic insecty noises like you hear in dutch house music)that I am positive are not part of the original recording, as I listened to the song again after 15 minutes or so and everything had slid back into place.

what kind of sound do you folks get?"

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#2 Posted : 11/10/2012 10:12:14 PM
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mzrd wrote:
Swim says:
"Hey all, new here so I don't know if this is the right place or what, it seems proper here.
I've been wondering what kind of words you've been using to describe the audio phenomena that occur on a spice voyage.
Mainly, I'd like to hear (lol) what you folks have experienced.

here's an example:

Twenty minutes ago, or so, I had a smoalk and started to hear a high pitched warbly noise, it came out of nowhere, almost as if it had always been there and I was just now paying enough attention to hear it, then it split into more and more noises going higher and lower from each "split", then I turned on some music: Coosada Blues by Nellie McKay is already a slow tune, but after a good smoalk, it's like molasses, the drums were all stretched out to a crawl, and when she started singing, each note seemed to last for entirely too long, the whole song had a sort of buzz about it, almost as if it were being played through a snare drum... kinda. It was really intense to realize forty five seconds in that it was a song I knew very well, as I normally recognize songs within two seconds or less for the most part... I also noticed some extra audio artifacts throughout (buzzy futuristic insecty noises like you hear in dutch house music)that I am positive are not part of the original recording, as I listened to the song again after 15 minutes or so and everything had slid back into place.

what kind of sound do you folks get?"

I get two sounds that always seem to push through. The first is what Ive only been able to describe as the 'ting' you get from an old light bulb. It starts with a tone that builds out of everything around me, but builds and gets louder.

The second is a very digital pixilation effect. Its the most common thing I notice. Very matrixy.
Soy sauce
#3 Posted : 11/10/2012 11:47:29 PM

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I can't find the exact article I'm looking for, somebody posted a few noises that almost exactly match up to some of the sounds I hear in hyperspace.
But, this thread has some good explinations too.

Lately, I've been hearing alot of, almost a white noise type sound. More.. well.. more metalic. Maybe like a steel wool brush being brushed against a steel panel. But with none of the squealing. More uniform. Like, something's making it. Some machine.
It always warps, and twists though. A little faster. A little more like sand, washing over that steel panel.
Maybe a native american rain stick even.

This sound, I've heard something extremly similar to this before. Once I found this.. randomly searching ambient sounds, something clicked inside of me. I knew I'd heard this before.

And this one, besides the higher pitched(toned?) noises, this sums up alot of the noises I've had trouble explaining. Like, that white noise I said earlier.

And those buzzy, insect like, clicks and squeaks, that almost sounds real familiar.
Super Radical wrote:
Naww. MJ sandwich is the way to go the first time.
Then next time after the WTFOMG moment, realize your ready to changa things up.

It's more special that way.

'DMT is not one of our irrational illusions. What we experience in the presence of DMT is real news. It is a nearby dimension-- frightening, transformative, and beyond our powers to imagine, and yet to be explored in the usual way. We must send fearless experts, whatever that may come to mean, to explore and to report on what they find.' - Terence McKenna
#4 Posted : 11/11/2012 6:25:26 AM

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It's been called the carrier wave:

"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."
-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2

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#5 Posted : 11/11/2012 7:11:17 AM

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What I believe the carrier wave to be (which I don't really get that much at all it seems compared to the reports of others) sounds like a rocket engine or an engine of some sort (depending on intensity Laughing ).

Most of the time what I hear, sounds like a computer or like computers talking to each other. Rapid sequences of high pitches. The computer-like precision in the execution and accuracy of both rhythm and pitches is perplexing. I'm a musician with decent relative pitch, but I can recognize that the DMT entities have a way of replicating pitches with a kind of accuracy that I think escapes even most singers who sing very much in tune. It can be a very bleepy bloopy kind of sound and if you've ever heard high pitches put through a MIDI sequencer or something of the sort, then it sounds exactly like that.

Then with a select few entities I hear voices as opposed to the "possessed thoughts" or telepathic-seeming phenomena where the main medium of communication they use is through that channel normally reserved for "your inner voice". After hundreds and hundreds of journeys, it was only extremely recently that I started to get the elves that everyone talks so much about. They're one of the few that speak in English (at least sometimes) but that it sounds like physical sound coming in my ear. If they're off to one of my flanks, their voice sounds louder in the ear they're closer to. I've had two experiences now where they were narrating in perfect and coherent English exactly what was going on in the visions that would have normally been completely beyond my capacity to understand, reason or fabricate. Whatever you think an elf sounds like, that's exactly what this guy sounds like. Really high pipsqueak voice. The other entity that communicates in grammatically perfect, coherent and sensical English would be the godhead which in addition to sounding like a voice sounds like the most epic voice imaginable as it echoes, feedbacks on itself and just bellows a paradoxically deep and high, rising and cascading voice, all at the same time.

The last category and rarest in my personal experiences, but easily the most beloved would have to be the musical hallucinations. Like the aforementioned voices, this music undergoes the formality of actually being "heard", not vividly thought. At the moment I can only firmly recall two occasions where I was having a full blown musical hallucination. On the first time, I had taken a moderate amount of acid, took some major rips from the GVG (for some reason when I'm on acid, my lungs just seem to be iron in a way they're usually not cut out for). I felt as if I were literally being cradled into the back of my head by the most motherly, loving, peaceful force that was caressing my heart as well. Towards what seemed like the furthest reaches in the back of the dome that is my head was a very sacred looking space with purple stained glass windows. As I recount this, I remember for possibly the first time since it happened (like two years ago) that there was an extra level of dimensionality to the experience that defies most other of the highly interdimensional and intricate nature of dimensions. There were simply so many "planes" to everything. Anyway, after the stain glass windows, I somehow wound up in what was essentially heaven if I ever saw it. There were clouds everywhere - all sunset colors of purples, pinks, oranges and golds and there were these "harps" (out of sight) that were just going through such brilliant and grand arpeggiations.

As I sit here and write this, it occurs to me in the eeriest of fashions that the account that I'm about to recall that involved the second musical hallucination shared something significant in common with the other experience that I never noticed till right now. Both experiences (and I'm about to get to the second one) started with feeling like I was being taken to the back of my head (wherever that is). It looked different each time, it was a different space entirely, but the feeling was the same. It makes me wonder if that has anything to do with it but I digress. I got to what I considered to be "God's waiting room", but before the big man could make his appearance, the machinery around me began to malfunction and shut down, and I could tell that I would probably get no further. My attention shifted below me and I noticed that I was free-floating looking down on colorful galaxies and nebulae of oranges and purples on the dark back drop of space. As I laid my eyes upon this galactic eye candy, I began to hear the most beautiful music. It sounded like a hybrid between a harp and a music box. Very high and tinny sounding, yet as if with hollow strings (which I don't think physically makes much sense). It chimed away this haunting lullaby in amazing four part harmony with excellent voice leading, yet unlike the computer-sequence sounds, they didn't sound like they were in perfect equal temperament. I mean, it sounded like Western harmony, don't get me wrong. The degree of Western-like composition to it was uncanny, and while the notes didn't quite sound like equal-temperament (the common tuning system used today), it the notes never the less fit into each other like hands in gloves. I think if I had to compare it to anything, it would probably be closest to Braham's Lullaby, but cooler. It sounded as if it were specifically engineered for infants to hear and was just so delicate and all that each high tinny note felt as if it were literally plucking my heart strings if I literally were to have heart strings to be plucked Laughing It inspired me to create this haunting lullaby of my own.
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
#6 Posted : 11/11/2012 8:37:12 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Beautiful descriptions Global, not to even mention your lullaby.. Love

I used to have a really hard time trying to relate to the often mentioned carrier wave, or actually any sounds at all. But I realized that actually I do get sounds and even the carrier wave, and always have, I just never recognized them because to me they're not auditory sounds at all, they're more like visuals.. but in a different way than the "visual" visuals.. In fact all the human senses are pretty mixed up in there so it's hard to make any definite sensory distinctions of any of the elements. But I read in another thread a very resonating description of some of the foreground sounds, someone said that it sounds like you can hear your synapses firing. To me that is a spot on description. And about the carrier wave, I can definitely relate to Globals description of an engine. It's almost as if it operates the place.. And it's very layered, one of the layers sounds like an extremely slowed down ambulance siren with a sort of doppler effect.

mzrd wrote:
then I turned on some music: Coosada Blues by Nellie McKay is already a slow tune, but after a good smoalk, it's like molasses, the drums were all stretched out to a crawl, and when she started singing, each note seemed to last for entirely too long, the whole song had a sort of buzz about it, almost as if it were being played through a snare drum... kinda.

Damn! This is almost exactly what happened to me on the comedown of a recent aya trip. I usually put some soothing new-agey meditation music when I take aya, and while I'm in hyperspace I don't really hear it anymore, but there are certain clues about it if I try to look for it and it has saved me more than once when things have started to get really scary. It's like a lifeline that can save you from really bad alleys, you just gotta find it and grab it and then you can surf on its visual manifestation for a while.

BUT SO, on my recent aya trip as I was getting back to my body, I was hearing the music exactly like you describe it, like every single note took way too long to finish and I too had heard this particular song before. It was really scary because it felt like I could keep a certain note going as long as I wanted if I focused on it, and once I let go of the focus it started rolling again. Some of the notes took forever to finish because the more scared I got, the more I tried to focus on continuing it, but it was actually the opposite so I had to let go of the fears if I wanted it to continue. Also it felt like I was the one creating the music, I tried if I could hit some off notes that didn't belong in the song at all, and yes I could.. That was more scary than anything because for a long time after it made question that this might all just be inside my head and I could change my reality at any time if I wanted to, even sober. I think it's just that we prefer this comfort zone of stability, because we can create a linear and consensual timeline with this system.
#7 Posted : 11/12/2012 12:09:12 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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daedaloops wrote:
Beautiful descriptions Global, not to even mention your lullaby.. Love

I used to have a really hard time trying to relate to the often mentioned carrier wave, or actually any sounds at all. But I realized that actually I do get sounds and even the carrier wave, and always have, I just never recognized them because to me they're not auditory sounds at all, they're more like visuals.. but in a different way than the "visual" visuals.. In fact all the human senses are pretty mixed up in there so it's hard to make any definite sensory distinctions of any of the elements. But I read in another thread a very resonating description of some of the foreground sounds, someone said that it sounds like you can hear your synapses firing. To me that is a spot on description. And about the carrier wave, I can definitely relate to Globals description of an engine. It's almost as if it operates the place.. And it's very layered, one of the layers sounds like an extremely slowed down ambulance siren with a sort of doppler effect.

Thanks daeda Thumbs up

I can definitely relate with your description of the layered sounds as well. A lot of times when I hear the buzzing vibrations, I can hear (and see and feel - as you point out, all the senses become entangled) different layers of vibrations inside of each other like an onion.

In terms of the carrier wave sometimes not even being really a sound at all, I recall one time I was on aya, and I smoked a big helping of DMT. This gigantic holographic hand (literally like the hand of god) came swooping in through my screen door (which interestingly enough, wasn't really even in full view), and it just whooshed over to me and just collided and gripped me. As soon as it made contact, the entire experience just fired up. It was quite intense, and while I too associated it as a carrier wave of sorts, there was no sound to that particular one.
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
#8 Posted : 11/12/2012 12:15:22 PM

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The first time I loaded some spice up it was a small amount - I remember some faint humming and I kind of don't remember that much sound.

The second time I loaded up spice I loaded 50mg. That time the hum was enormous going in/out.

It was in my room, I was laying on the bed with the lights off and no music.

If I were to imagine what I would want to hear from a psychedelic experience. I'd want to hear some psychedelic space rock. I'm not that into techno or tribal culture / Burning Man type stuff. I swear to the fucking spaghetti monster that all I could hear were tribal drums and chanting as I was being buried alive. It seemed like a voodoo curse.

For months I had tried to figure that experience out. I have given up. None of my subsequent experiences have been so frighteningly dark & surreal... and completely random. But, maybe that is because I have been careful to not smoke that much in one go... yet.

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