I've been thinking about this lately. Ive been reading different pieces, most are speculation, about DNA evolving, how only 20 of 64 codes are active. I know that we're entering a massive cloud of energy in space. I've been wondering if anything/what will happen on Dec 21. Just wondering if anyone has any theories of their own. My latest is that DMT may be secreted by our brains. DMT is in us, for dreams and birth/death. Could it/does it serve as a tool to evolve our species?
"For him, LSD and psilocybin did not introduce, as if they were contaminants, unnatural hallucinations. Instead, they manifested – that is, made perceptible and, from the point of view of the senses, seemingly material – what was already latent in the mind. They gave spatial dimensions to strange modes of cognition and lavish mental imagery"
-Lindsey M. Banco