now as im sure we are all well aware, the symbolism and etymology of the connection to the pinecone, and the use of dmt containing substances as well as using these objects to evolve the pineal gland. now where this gets us, since the acients and all religions have displayed this understanding! we must think, now, can dmt be it 5 meo or the nn dmt or just dmt, could be extracted from pinecones found on pineconetrees?! i mean the amanita muscaria grows symbiotically under pine trees in most trees, and come on im sure bee hives are on trees of that sort as well im sure nature is telling us something! im sorry to sound obsceure for the time being, soon i hope to have a full complete understanding of ethnobotanics, well basically alchemy spagyrics etc, but ah yes if theirs anyone who knows what im talking about and cares to shed light or research further upon this topic that would be excellent thank you!