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How Does Smoking Affect Your Teeth? Options
Simon Joseph
#1 Posted : 11/9/2012 6:56:17 AM
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Hello Friends,

Smoking and other tobacco products can lead to gum disease by affecting the attachment of bone and soft tissue to your teeth.
Color: The effects of smoking of teeth occur rather quickly. It doesn't take long for the nicotine and tar to begin staining your teeth and causing them to become yellow. Chronic smokers can even have brown teeth if they have been smoking for years. This is very unattractive.
Bad Breath: Smoking causes chronic bad breath or halitosis. This can not be fixed by brushing your teeth or using mouthwash. Anyone who gets near your face will know you are a smoker.
Reduced Blood Flow: Smoking causes poor circulation. This reduces the blood flow to the gums. The gums are deprived of essential nutrients so they begin to suffer from disease. Because of the reduced blood flow, your gums may not bleed, so you may not know something is wrong until it is too late. You can even lose your teeth because of the gum disease.
Oral Cancer: Smoking causes oral cancer. This comes from the over 4,000 chemicals found in a single cigarette. The bad news is that most oral cancer patients die within 5 years. This is because oral cancer is not usually detected until it is in its advanced stage.

Thanks and Regards
Simon Joseph Smile

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#2 Posted : 11/9/2012 10:43:04 AM

Traveler's pet cactus

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The inhaled smoke from burning tobacco comes with many toxins and burnt by-products as you describe. None of these effects happen with smoked DMT for various reasons:

1) DMT is vaporized, not smoked. If done correctly, all your DMT will have been turned into a gas: DMT vapor. The vapor, while having a much larger volume, does not contain any burning byproducts, it's 100% pure DMT if vaporized correctly.

2) Even if you burn DMT during the vaporization process, the simplicity of the molecule and the lack of combustible material won't produce large quantities of unhealthy byproducts. However, I am unsure if burnt DMT is dangerous to your health. But the minimal amounts of DMT tends me towards believing this won't be an issue, but others should confirm this.

3) All the negative effects from tobacco come from the burning by-products. If you'd inhale pure nicotine vapor none of the effects you mention will occur. Please resort from vaporizing pure nicotine, the amount of nicotine found in one cigarette is enough to kill you. The reason a cigarette doesn't kill is because you burn most of the nicotine and vaporize only a small quantity that you inhale.
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#3 Posted : 11/9/2012 5:49:03 PM

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VoidTraveler wrote:
Please resort from vaporizing pure nicotine, the amount of nicotine found in one cigarette is enough to kill you. The reason a cigarette doesn't kill is because you burn most of the nicotine and vaporize only a small quantity that you inhale.

Wow.. that's a real good peice of info there. I love how they can sell these things.. all over the place, and, it's not a problem.
But, smoking almost anything else is a huuuuge problem.

But like you said about vaporizing. Nothing is actually being burnt, which means no CO2 in your lungs, or mouth, no other random, messy chemicals smoldering.
Dmt is pure, or, close to pure as you can get it. And, it has none of the extra additives.
Super Radical wrote:
Naww. MJ sandwich is the way to go the first time.
Then next time after the WTFOMG moment, realize your ready to changa things up.

It's more special that way.

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still seeking
#4 Posted : 11/9/2012 6:20:01 PM
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i am sure that there are may products on the market that affect your health.
soda,cigerettes,flouride are just a few.
but yes smoking will affect your teeth,and the rest of your body and brain.

now we have a choice..to smoke or not to?

i just wish i learned how to smoke twenty years agoBig grin
#5 Posted : 11/9/2012 6:42:00 PM

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Thank you for posting this.

I constantly battle my nicotine addiction.

Quit date: 12.21.12. Big grin

Has anyone had success with chantix?
Are there contradictions with dmt and chantix?

Thank ya kindly,
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#6 Posted : 11/9/2012 7:26:28 PM

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I've had success with the patch, on a few occasions Embarrased

Currently I'm on 7mg patches and will be for another few days.

The gums thing is really interesting. After about two weeks of not smoking my gums begin to heal which leads to bleeding gums (they're to unhealthy to bleed before that really).

I wouldn't recommend mixing Chantix and DMT. I'm not a Doctor or Pharmacokinetics guy but Chantix does carry a black box warning due to increased predisposition for suicide and depression. Considering the common wisdom is to not take psychedelics when you're at risk for mental illness and Chantix can basically cause a form of mental illness as a side effect, it seems like a risky combination on a psychological level. No idea about other drug interactions though.

Chantix also increases risk for cardiovascular issues. Again that doesn't sound like a good mix.
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