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(Experience) The Salvia Chronicles Options
#1 Posted : 11/7/2012 11:58:21 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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The Salvia Chronicles

Part I – Monday - "Bitter Work"

On a quiet evening, a bong is prepared with approximately 0.05g of Salvia 20x extract. I sit comfortably on my bed, look through the window and smoke it with a jet lighter. A note of importance, it is generally better to use this substance with a sitter, at day and not next to a window if you are not experienced and fully sure about your control. It is often underestimated but can be extremely strong.

The smoke is held in as long as comfortably possible, about 30 seconds. After two hits the salvia is used up, and a short opportunity to put everything down arises.

The first few moments adjustment is a bit difficult. Everything seems a bit fuzzy and out of balance, while the salvia and I adjust to each other. It comes to my mind that this is why it might be better to quid instead of to smoke extracts. What feels like a very short journey through a freaky circus quickly changes into something more internal and harmonious.

In order to more easily ignore distractions, I start listening to music. The consistency of the music allows the experience to come forward, and it is here where are sense of urgency appears. It feels like I am performing an incredible, immeasurable amount of work. I feel how my real self is split into many, many versions. At the same time, I am riding some kind of wave. Every part of the wave, I am/integrate a different version of self, while traveling upwards. The effort this takes cannot be verbally expressed. With every self I integrate, my consciousness grows. Yet with every growth of consciousness, the new abilities and energies are fully delegated to the increase of the frequency of the wave, resulting in more “selves” being integrated every period. So we have an exponential increase in the amounts of selves being integrated per period.

This experience might sound unpleasant, but it carries a big gratification. The next step of this process would bring many good things.

Now a second process starts, and I am suddenly very connected to the music I’m hearing.

I dance to this song in an incredible, symphonic way. Slowly we work towards a peak, every part contributing to this amazing story. A type of breakthrough experience occurs, and there is only me, the music and the universe. Around 4.05 I explode into an infinity of white light. The explosion lasts some time, until suddenly I am back in my chair.

Salvia is typically said to last shortly, but at this point the trip is still going strong after 3 hours. I decide however to go to bed, because it feels like all that has to happen has happened. The duration is likely related to my hypersensitivity to all kinds of psychedelics.

Part II – Next Friday - "Me, Us"

After having a meeting with some friends, I return home. Quite tired and ready to go to bed, but I feel like it is time for the second part of this adventure. So, without doubt I again prepare a bong with Salvia 20x (this time a smaller but unmeasured dosage), and smoke it.

This time, the adjustment happens almost instantly. Some short meditation to let things “flow” even better, and I feel great. However the urge to smoke a bit of weed comes up, so I do this as well.

Slowly human life slips away, and I find me at the core of myself. Where last time I was going up, this time I am in the center, and gently pull all my “me’s” to integrate them towards me. This continues for a while, every one bringing something unique. The process was reasonably long, but difficult to explain.

Without warning, the process is complete and the final merging begins. I feel composed of infinite parts, all perfectly forming a whole. Suddenly, I am in my chair again, but it is different. The real, full me is present, with all energy, knowledge and powers that brings. It is brought to my attention, that my earthly life is some sort of rescue mission which is fully successful. But existence here brings many limitations and temporary loss of all kind of things, which need to be overcome/regained along the way. With the completion of the integration process, I have found back what was temporarily lost, my full self.

A feeling of being bigger than the space my physical body is occupying persists, and many memories flash through at incredible speed. Again without warning, I explode into white light. But an interesting detail of this explosion is, that it feels like an infinity of different energies jump off my body.

It is here where I know I’m done for the moment, and go to bed with an incredibly peaceful feeling, which has certainly remained to a degree.

Part III – Next Tuesday - "A Tunnel of Sunshine"

This time I smoke 0.05g of 20x again, but at day, while the sun is shining. Before smoking I meditate to reach a relaxed and very calm, introspective state.

The adjustment time is nonexistent, and some music entertains me while I float away. An excellent live performance of “Don’t look back in anger” ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yb0S24PZmXo – use 720p for proper audio quality) helps me with this. In no time I become the audience, the band, the music and the instruments. Every sound wave is tangible in so many ways.

My chair is positioned in such a way, that the sun’s rays touch my left leg and knee. While I am experiencing the music, this feeling comes up more and more. The part of my body being hit with the rays heats up, and slowly this feeling slides into my awareness. The more I become aware of it, the more it feels like a hand, resting on my knee.

It is here where I have a breakthrough. I am still sitting in the same position, but now I have a higher-dimensional body. My room is gone, instead there is a tunnel of light and various beautiful things leading to the core of the sun, and connecting the core of the earth and sun. The sun sits next to me in a position similar to mine, and has a hand touching my knee. We then get up, walk through the tunnel and have a casual conversation about how nice the weather is. It feels like I am talking to a great friend. But it feels not quite time yet to enter or come closer, although the wait is also not too long.

The experience ends, but there is still the awareness of being in the tunnel and talking. It’s just less all-encompassing, and more on the background. The next hours I enjoy in ultimate relax-mode, listening to music and getting lost in the stories of the music. There is a very strong feeling of perfection and fulfillment, wider than previously, and also still present. This new feeling feels like the new way of life, with ease and joy.

Part IV – Coming soon

It’s been 8 days since I smoked salvia, after smoking it three times in 8 days. The pause has been a bit longer this time, but when it’s time to go again I will feel it, and then I will be able to share the next part with you!

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#2 Posted : 11/8/2012 12:07:44 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Nice post, good read.
#3 Posted : 11/8/2012 1:58:15 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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i'm learning that .25 50x was too high of a starting dose. so that's what they meant by respect it. because your experience sounds positive, while mine was very unpleasant and pointless.


It feels like I am performing an incredible, immeasurable amount of work

that sounds familiar. also i wonder if 'integrating selves' is what i needed to do at the make-sound-to-prove-i-really-am-alive-and-existant stage.
#4 Posted : 11/8/2012 3:11:10 PM

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Abrazaderas wrote:
i'm learning that .25 50x was too high of a starting dose. so that's what they meant by respect it. because your experience sounds positive, while mine was very unpleasant and pointless.


It feels like I am performing an incredible, immeasurable amount of work

that sounds familiar. also i wonder if 'integrating selves' is what i needed to do at the make-sound-to-prove-i-really-am-alive-and-existant stage.

Oh wow, that is 12.5x as much total dosage as in my case. Assuming you use a jet lighter and manged to smoke all of that, of course.

I can definitely recommend a much smaller dose at first, something closer to mine. As for the working, you might have success with what I did, but be open to other opportunities. I did not really decide to have it go like this, it just naturally did.
#5 Posted : 11/8/2012 3:22:13 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Valura wrote:

Oh wow, that is 12.5x as much total dosage as in my case. Assuming you use a jet lighter and manged to smoke all of that, of course.

I can definitely recommend a much smaller dose at first, something closer to mine. As for the working, you might have success with what I did, but be open to other opportunities. I did not really decide to have it go like this, it just naturally did.

yeah, jet lighter and a bong that rips. i actually packed it twice and weighed what was left later, because i hit it, and what began to happen was so awful i assumed i didn't take enough, so i spilled the bong, packed another bowl, hit it again... then fled to my room and hid under a blanket for an hour. my dad laughed at me because i was stumbling like a drunk, took me 5 minutes to operate each doorknob, and i was muttering 'what the ****... need to lie down' over and over. he said i looked extremely upset. i remember muttering 'that is not what i was trying to do" repeatedly as well. the rest of the day and the next were full of smiles and gratitude.

but yeah, im going to try it more like you did... what i did was kinda like being hit in the head with a baseball bat.
#6 Posted : 11/8/2012 11:56:07 PM

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Gingerbread people.....

The first time i smoked a decient dose of salvia it was 60x..
My first vision came on fast and strong.. of what looked like [hundreds or thousands] of [ginger men shaped people] lined up one after the other.. for what looked like miles..
These stone colored [ginger bread people] sudenly in a single line winding for miles through the green hilled countryside .. started toppeling to the ground..
This causing the one behind to topple..then the next one... then the next one.. [like doninos they all topeled to the ground ..each one leaving a brilliant gleaming star patterns on the ground winding far back into the green hilled countryside!
The ginger bread people all had smiles!
What a vision !! Very happy
#7 Posted : 11/9/2012 2:32:55 AM

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Below..someones report on salvia visions ...some seem very close to childhood imagry!
They too see the gingerbread like people..I thought this interesting!

salvia motifs and their place in time and space
This is the place to discuss Salvia divinorum, splendins, and the other psychoactive salvias.

Post a reply 12 posts • Page 1 of 2 • 1, 2 salvia motifs and their place in time and space -
by redgreenvines » Thu Nov 23, 2006 6:31 am

When I say the word motif, I mean an image, or symbol, or idea that can be repeated like wall paper or that can pervade like fabric or that can be used like an elemental sub unit when constructing a mental experience or world.

I have become more interested in the sudden appearance of certain motifs (in salviaspace) which I was unconcerned about before experimenting with salvia. While the motifs that I have experienced are not unique to me, they seem very personal - almost like archetypes.

This is a list of my salvia Motifs:

•The Garden: White Picket Fence, Children or small people gardenning, Little gardener trucks and tools. Maybe at a cottage or village.
•The Open Book of Pages: flipping pages, flying pages, turning pages, living pages.
•The Wheel: Game show wheel, Carnival, Ferris, Carousel.
•Flattenned beings: like gingerbread people, Noodles, rubber membranes, plastic and metal toys.
•Cartoon architectures: trimmed or filled with Asian Clouds (FRACTALS) , Asian Wavelet patterns (FRACTALS) , Asian flame patterns (FRACTALS) , Poles with cuffs, piping and animal heads (cartoony), layered arches.
•Vines: composed of regular gemetric elements in bright primary colors.
•Silent beings: knowing and caring and pervasive. (brothers ancestors cousins neighbours ?)
•Wise Aunts and Mothers. (are these like a lady salvia motif?)
•Elf like characters with pointed ears and striped sleeves and leggings.
•Various small birds, crustaceans, fish, insects, ducks, dogs.
•Multiple hands, feet, eyes, ears.
•Multiple concentric layers like matryoshka - russian dolls.
Many motifs occur to others that I have not encountered.

Or the way that we report them differs significantly enough that they seem to be unrelated.

This is about when they appear in salvia space:

The appearance of these motifs can be singular or multiple like wallpaper or even 3-D wall paper - Filling the air, and seemingly fundamental as components or building blocks of space. Often they seem to have full intelligence or to extend the sense of self in directions that are uncanny.

For me - prior to the appearance of any of these, my vision will seem to go double (or more) and then the air will seem thicker like a clear gelly, and the body may seem all over the place.
Then the motifs may emerge, and the visionary experience unfolds.

In many ways this sounds a bit like bringing on a dream state or invoking an underlying mental geography.Last edited by redgreenvines on Thu Nov 23, 2006 6:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
#8 Posted : 11/13/2012 10:39:11 AM

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Valura wrote:

It feels like I am performing an incredible, immeasurable amount of work. I feel how my real self is split into many, many versions. At the same time, I am riding some kind of wave. Every part of the wave, I am/integrate a different version of self, while traveling upwards. The effort this takes cannot be verbally expressed. With every self I integrate, my consciousness grows. Yet with every growth of consciousness, the new abilities and energies are fully delegated to the increase of the frequency of the wave, resulting in more “selves” being integrated every period. So we have an exponential increase in the amounts of selves being integrated per period.

This experience might sound unpleasant, but it carries a big gratification. The next step of this process would bring many good things.

Firstly, a commendable experience report! You've put cleanly into words some of the hardest pieces of a salvia trip, the "shape" you assign to it rings very true for me.

This particular segment especially - the "immeasurable amount of work." I refer to the early stages of a salvia trip as "the swamp." I've never really had an easy breakthrough - for me, this early space, the swirling tempest of confusing somatic hiving, tends to be monolithic, and at least SEEMS to be partly responsible for my lack of breakthroughs. What usually happens to me is, I get into this space, struggle to make sense of it, and try to figure out a way through. Most of the time it becomes just too unpleasant and the trip becomes about "riding it out" - No breakthrough, just a 15 minute swamp and comedown. I'm wiping sweat from my face and just waiting for the "all done" bell to ring.

Every time, it feels like an unbelievable amount of effort, force of will, concentration, and puzzle-solving to figure out how to navigate this seething brew. Relaxing and letting go seems to matter not - the workload always strikes me as necessary. The "further" I must reach in order to beat this stage always seems to be just beyond an invisible membrane.

For you, it sounds like the music gave you a time axis to travel with. The music itself was your vessel, or perhaps the road for your vessel. I recall being in this same stage of the journey - the hiving/splitting selves, and without music I was left with fragments of thoughts and memories, all of them seemingly cross-wired to this strange experience. Everything takes shape in the swarm. Any thought that's had in words is a road block. The thought cannot be properly translated, it loops again and again and again, seemingly creating a novel type of rhythm or music. I remember once arcing, again and again, to the syllables of some useless thought. Useless because of the language.

I really do suspect that rhythm, beat, the motion through minutes of music, is potentially a great ally here. It gives you a direction and an experiential shape for time, a vibrating axis. Personally I've had terrible experiences integrating music in my salvia trips. Every one I've tried just distracted me, frustrated me, became a kind of extra noise, a poking of the mind that made the "workload" less bearable, rather than more. That said, there's no doubt in my mind that the experience ITSELF is musical. Several times I've found myself either humming or murmuring freestyle rhythm to the frequency of my trip. Having read your report, I may try to re-integrate music and attempt a new approach.

Question: You remember sitting in your chair as a "full self" and feeling that earthly life is a kind of "rescue mission." How have you gone about integrating this particular message? What do you feel is rescued, and to what end?

Thanks for the detailed report, looking forward to hearing more from you!
#9 Posted : 11/13/2012 2:37:48 PM

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"The Swamp" sounds like a good way to call this period of hard work. What I find most interesting is you report having this experience often, but I've only experienced it in the strongest form the first time, and there also seems to be a progression related to it. I resonate very strongly to your explanation of this effort feeling.

Your musical theory sounds interesting, but it's difficult to comment on extensively because I do not have enough experience without music yet. Next time I might try going without music though.

On the topic of the "rescue mission", from the perspective of the full self it's like a friend tumbling, and catching this friend, breaking the fall. The feeling of scale / energy from this full self perspective is not just of Earth, Humanity and the Solar system but even bigger. So this feeling of rescue is much like preventing a temporary downward spiral in the infinite universe, and of course everything has at least some effect/influence on everything (related to this feeling of scale?). If a friend nearly falls and you catch him/her, most of the damage is avoided. It also feels like a quick (reflex) reaction. It was easily integrated, because it just feels like it makes perfect sense, even if I can't fully explain it in detail.

Part 4 should come up around this or next week, it feels like it's nearly time again to do some salvia. Thanks everyone for reading / replying!
#10 Posted : 11/15/2012 6:10:53 PM
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My first time we got the heaviest extract possible. I had no clue. It hit too hard, I was confused and slightly scared (I had to be comforted by the sitters). Definitely had that tumbling backwards with the fractals unzipping in that sort of pattern. Wasn't pleasant and I definitely was hesitant to enter salvia space again (but did). 2nd time was better but seemed pointless, no learning or insight gained on my place in the cosmos. Just some sort of wickedly twisted carnival ride that I wanted to get off.
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