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#1 Posted : 11/7/2012 9:11:52 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Hello all you beautiful people - I have a question about DMT and lifestyle.

Many many years ago I tried mushrooms and acid and loved them both. However, each experience really took up several days of my life, what with preparation, the big day itself, a day spent sleeping and a couple more gradually getting my head back together. Nowadays I have a young family and this kind of commitment is impossible, so I have always felt that I would wait until I am old and retired and have time to myself once more.

However, I've been interested to read about how short the experience is with DMT, and that it doesn't take long to get back to "normal". So I wondered - is it possible to easily integrate DMT with this kind of lifestyle? Of course I'm not talking about taking it in my lunch break, but in others' experiences, is it something that can be taken of an evening (with proper preparation of course) and then get up the next morning and carry on as normal?

I'd be particularly interested to hear how many others out there have young families and how using DMT works around this.

Love to you all



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#2 Posted : 11/7/2012 9:57:46 PM
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Ya you do come back to "normal" from tripping in about 10 minutes. This is how I see it, you will see things which you may never forget and may radically change your perception of everyday reality and what it is we are a part of...

I can assure you though, that you may easily reintegrate into everyday life/job/etc. When I was young, I experienced dmt for the first time only a couple hours before hockey tryouts...Rolling eyes
Not the best though, when you want your trip to make a lasting positive impact on yourself you need to treat the experience with respect and leave time for preparation, reflection, and reintegration. Smile

It really is subjective, only you know your everyday responsibilities, when you have more free time, etc.

Im interested to hear from others, there may even be a thread on this because it's been spoken of.
#3 Posted : 11/7/2012 10:06:47 PM
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#4 Posted : 11/7/2012 11:05:37 PM

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HippiePilgrim wrote:
Of course I'm not talking about taking it in my lunch break, but in others' experiences, is it something that can be taken of an evening (with proper preparation of course) and then get up the next morning and carry on as normal?

"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
#5 Posted : 11/7/2012 11:10:14 PM

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Hi Whatisreal - thanks for the advice and the link, that was very useful. sorry to post a new thread on an old topic...

right now I feel I have a lot of mental and emotional space in my life and that I am in a good place in my head and my heart. I also have a job that gives me the opportunity to have a few hours to myself every day, so think I have time for preparation and integration. What I don't have is a time to lose a whole weekend or more, but this sounds like it is not necessary.

I have started to acquire the things I need for extraction; feels like maybe there is a momentum building, but I am keeping an open mind and learning as much as I can in the meantime.

Love and Peace.

#6 Posted : 11/7/2012 11:21:14 PM

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Global wrote:


Ha ha, thanks, just what I needed to know Smile
#7 Posted : 11/7/2012 11:24:57 PM

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I used to go to work in a hot 110 degree warehouse. And come home and take a nice long rejuvenating bath. At which time I would vape. I would relax and enjoy and then come out of there very refreshed and it was nice. maybe 2 or 3 times a week. I did this until I no longer felt a desire to. I had a new appreciation and I didn't really feel the need or impulse to do anymore for quite a while.
#8 Posted : 11/8/2012 2:12:07 AM

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its all about mindset. when i was a 16 year old dishwasher i'd drop acid at work and just go about business as my trip. i told the raucous line cooks and they thought it was hilarious.

you might think its a waste of a trip, but i beg to differ; it provides a wealth of stimulation, challenges and insights that sharply contrast going into the woods, or dim light, incense, music.

i'm not sure its comparable, because i HAVE smoked DMT on lunch break. so 'getting back to normal' and 'functional/normal' as well as a recuperation, we relate to differently. but yeah, with an hour to yourself you can get blasted to hyperspace and back without worries.
#9 Posted : 11/8/2012 2:32:52 AM

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The fact that you've taken psychedelics in your past- and it sounds like you've had some heavy ones- will make it a lot easier for you to integrate the experience. From what you've written you sound like a good DMT candidate- you are feeling the calling, you seem to respect the experience a lot,, you're feeling stable and positive and have some space.

I have a toddler and have taken 6-7 late evening DMT journeys since she arrived. They were all amazing, and a much needed push of the reset button.
#10 Posted : 11/8/2012 5:33:43 AM

Reality is a matter of perspective...

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That is one of the beautiful things about DMT. It takes you to unbelievable places, shows you fantastic things, teaches you its lessons, or confuses you with too much information... then.... back to what you were doing.

My friend has a new baby girl and 2 young boys, coaches a kids football team, and works. When he is able to get an hour to himself, he drops by and we explore Hyperspace, talk and compare our experiences, and back to his life he goes with time to spare.

The only time lenghty commitment you will need to make, would be the extraction process.

I love to vap right before I go to bed...I sleep like a baby!

No way I could eat shrooms before bed and expect to function the next day...
#11 Posted : 11/8/2012 8:05:33 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Thank you friends for the thoughtful and helpful replies.

Caducious - I like what you said about vaping after work. I was worried that DMT might have a negative ability on my ability to function in a job, it is good to hear that it can actually enhance it!

I loved the story about dishwashing on acid. I would never have had the nerve to do that, but I can get how it would be an adventure.

Thank you for your reassurance and kind words Guyomech. And also for telling me of your personal experience of journeys since having a child. If and when I do decide to experience the molecule, that is the kind of balance I would hope to achieve.

And thank you for telling me about your friend SmoovPnCali - it is incredibly reassuring to me to hear that it can be fit into such an active and engaged life. Back in my drug taking days I pretty much dropped out, and I think that is the main thing I was worried about.

Love to you all

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