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Some Art from my Breakthrough Experience Options
#1 Posted : 11/5/2012 1:52:29 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Last visit: 29-Mar-2017
Hey guys, I had my first breakthrough experience a few weeks ago, and over the last couple of weeks have attempted to put some of the visuals I saw onto paper. I'm not much of an artist, but I figured I'd share anyways.
the first thing I saw was a strange glass cone. It was floating about 10 feet in the air with a tube going into the top, spiraling down the middle and exiting the bottom. there were multicolored fish swimming in a straight line into the tube, and out the bottom. the went infinitely in both directions.

The next thing I saw was what appeared to be some mayan god in a picture frame with a beautiful sunset behind him. I would not consider this to be an "entity" though, because it did not seem to be alive, but instead a thin mechanical sort of windup knick knack, that just waved his arm back and forth.

After that, I was in a room with lots of mechanical trinkets. They seemed to be made of the same thing as a tin of Danish butter cookies, and moved like a mechanical sea anemone with faint clown heads that i could barely see popping out of the top, along with other things that made me think of (oddly enough) being at a carnival inside a dark warehouse.

The last thing I saw as I was being sucked backwards through space back into my body was a sortof portal door closing right after I went through it. It was several intricately decorated heads all coming together, I think my mind got the inspiration from some of alex Greys Artwork which I have looked at a lot since becoming interested in DMT. they had a leaf inside each of their head, and a small plant with two leaves, one growing towards the nose, and the other growing towards the mouth. I can only assume these are entheogenic plants illustrating the different ROAs and then showing the plant manifesting into the mind.

Anyways, let me know if anything looks familiar, or reminds you of anything you have seen. Also I would love to see any of your artwork, even if its crude like mine.


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No Knowing
#2 Posted : 11/5/2012 2:26:25 AM

fool adept

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All the stuff reminds me of the complex machines and patterns from my own breakthroughs.

Even though your not a professional grade artist, by any means, you do capture the "essence" of your visions nicely. I enjoyed looking through your pieces.

Keep inspired and keep creating.
In the province of the mind what one believes to be true, either is true or becomes true within certain limits. These limits are to be found experimentally and experientially. When so found these limits turn out to be further beliefs to be transcended. In the province of the mind there are no limits. However, in the province of the body there are definite limits not to be transcended.-J.C. Lilly
The Spice must flow
Zat was Zen and dis is Dao.
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#3 Posted : 11/5/2012 3:08:40 AM


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Freaking awesome, I love when people can draw their visions I am so terrible at it...very nice! Thumbs up
#4 Posted : 11/5/2012 3:26:22 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Nice job... That stuff is fiendishly hard to articulate, and many would never even attempt it. I get a vibe from it, and can easily look at it and sort of plug into my own visionary filters, see your story through my brain. It's a great start.
#5 Posted : 11/5/2012 3:27:21 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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haha thanks guys, Ive never been a good artist, and I only wish I could do any justice to what I saw. but I want to preserve what I see the best I can to share with others. I also only had 4 colored highlighters to color them with, as I was doodling them at my desk at work, haha. Just dont tell my boss I'm making drug inspired artwork on the clock. Pleased I might try to redo some of the better ones with oil paints at some point when I can take my time to get it all right. It would be cool if there was (or there may already be?) a sticky thread for people to post any artwork. I have tons of graphs, charts and other visual representations of some of the crazy things my mind has mapped out on Nitrous, but the metaphors only make sense to me for a little while before my mind forgets what any of it means, haha.
#6 Posted : 11/5/2012 4:04:49 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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That's so cool! I don't know if anyone can actually do justice to the psychedelic experience... I'd bet even Alex Grey would admit he falls short of true justice. But there's a price to pay for condensing hyperspacial dimensions down to a two dimensional representation! I have yet to break through with the D, but I can't wait. Well I can, for the right time that is...

There is an art bin in the Music/Art/Literature tab, and there is a new coming gallery here. For the first you have to be a full member to post, and I'm not sure about the second.

Lot's of good art in that bin!
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#7 Posted : 11/5/2012 4:06:28 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Haha I love the fish!

I think you've done a great job putting your mind to paper. I really like the texture of the highlighters in the context of what you drew, it makes it look somehow really authentic. And the last one, the mandala, is really cool. Keep doing what you're doing cause you're doing it right!
#8 Posted : 11/5/2012 4:57:54 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Thanks Mr. Peabody for those links. That is pretty exciting that they are setting up a gallery! Also I am glad to see there is a thread for art, music and literature. I have been working on a song entitled "Doesnt Matter Though" (I am a much better musician than sketch artist lol) Once I am a full member (though I have no idea how that happens?) I would love to contribute as much as I can to that thread. I am fascinated by the outward effects of psychedelics. Their effect on Art, Music, Science.. The application of the lessons that we learn, or concepts we come up with are in many ways more important than the experience itself. If we dont learn something that can better our lives, or the lives of the people around us, then we havent done anything other than entertain ourselves for 10 minutes. The ability to learn and improve our lives or contribute to culture and art is the difference between these amazing life giving molecules (LSD, DMT, Psilocybin, Mescaline..etc) and life sucking drugs like Heroine, Oxycontin, morphine, methamphetamine..etc.
#9 Posted : 11/5/2012 5:51:11 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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You're welcome! I look forward to hearing your musics! Don't sell yourself short on art, though. There's no reason you can't do both! Though your skills may be rudimentary at the moment, one very important thing to not overlook is your ability to recall the experience. From what I can tell, you have very lucid depictions of your trip.

Your take on what these wonderful molecules do is the same way I see them.

And don't worry about the full membership thing. It will happen on it's own as long as you keep doing what you've been doing! (As in, participating in a thoughtful manner) It's almost like magic or something....
Be an adult only when necessary.
#10 Posted : 11/5/2012 5:59:46 AM


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Very nice depictions! You really do seem to have a good way of transferring the experience to paper even if it isn't super polished. The hardest part is figuring out how to depict the experience, the rest comes with practice. Please keep these coming!

Oh and the heads with the leaves in them. Take a look at the CEL logo thread if you can find it Smile
'Little spider weaves a wispy web, stumblin' through the woods it catches to my head. She crawls behind my ear and whispers secrets. Dragonfly whiz by and sings now teach it.'
#11 Posted : 11/6/2012 3:00:14 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Holy crap Wax! I just looked up the CEL Logo thread and the picture that The Traveler posted IS almost exactly the same!! My Jaw almost hit the floor when I saw that!!!
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